F*cking up Again

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I was woken up by the smell of something burning, so I ran into the bathroom and blushed my teeth quickly but carefully. Then I ran downstairs, you know I can't be going downstairs with my breathe smelling like shit, hell no. Anyways once I got downstairs I seen smoke coming from the kitchen and I run in to see August over the stove coughing, like tf?

"August" I yelled

"Yea" he said with his heavy Nola accent

"Wtf are you doing?"

"I was trying to cook you breakfast, but I burned the bitch" he said looking at me

"What u did was try to burn the damn house down, don't try to cook no more please, just don't" I said trying not to laugh at him, but both ended up laughing, after we started a laugh, the room went silent, until August broke it.

"Babey I think we should go to couples therapy" he said looking down at the floor

"Ok" I said shortly after

So we both went and got dressed then August, looked on his GPS for directions to therapy but we ended up at a sex therapy place, and when we got in there some short gay guy with a black leather suite on, so I got scared and ran out, and left August there. After we got out that place, I searched a real couples therapy, and August was eyeing down the therapist cause she was pretty, and I instantly got jealous. So the whole time I was not paying attention cause August was basically flirting with the therapist, and when we leave he gone say he think it's working so far...nigga what?

Anyways while we were in the car we started fighting.

"August f*ck you" I said turning the other way

"Bitch fuck you" he said turning my way while driving

"You know what I'm done with you" I said after slapping him upside the head

"Your done with me?" He questioned while holding on to his head

"Yes I'm done" I said turning toward the window and looking out

"Good cause I'm tired of trying to please your stupid ass" he said while turning back to the road...when he did the only thing I felt was my head hit the dash board, and when I looked up I seen we crashed into a tree and a 16 wheeler hit us. I was able to move so I opened my door and got out. Then when I walked over to August side I seen the 16 wheeler in the car, my heart dropped. Then the car caught on fire, and I heard August screaming my name, so I ran over to my side and pulled him out, I don't know how but he was in the back seat so he should be that hurt. After I got him out the car the truck driver who hit us helped me pull August away from the car. Once we were far enough we laid August in the grass.

"Are ya'll ok, I'm so sorry " the truck driver said

"Yea" August said sitting up

"Shit my head hurts" he said while holding it.

Then the ambulance came and checked us out, but we were alright. After all the drama Chris and Indya came and out us and took us home.

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