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After August left I let out a deep sigh and laid down in the bed, and started to cry. I cried until I fell asleep.

•In the morning•

I woke up in the bed alone, not a big deal cause I really didn't want to see him right now. Anyways I did my daily hygiene routine, got dressed, cleaned the house, made myself some breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, and drove to Indya house.  Once I got there I knocked on the door and there was no answer, but there cars were there, so I just turned the door knob and it was unlocked, so I walked in and I was hit with the sound of Indya screaming Chris name, and Chris groaning, so I quickly turned around locked there door and ran out. After being put in shock, I decided to go back home because it was getting late. Once I got home I started on dinner and when everything was finished I ate and put August's plate in the microwave, and cleaned the kitchen. After I finished I checked the time and it was 6 p.m, after I checked the time August walked in, after he hasn't been home since last night.

Once he came in he walked pass me and ran upstairs, in less than 5 minutes u heard the shower running, then 10 minutes later he came back downstairs with only sweater on and some socks. When he got downstairs he headed straight to the kitchen and started eating, then he walked over to the couch where I was and sat next to me. Then he spoke.

"Hey" he said in a weird tone

"Hi" I said while getting up and walking upstairs, then I heard him let out a big sigh before I closed the door.

After I closed the door I went into the bathroom and took a shower, then I got dressed into my pajamas. After I got dressed I got in bed and went to sleep.


After me and Chris were done having sex, I turned to him to see if he was sleep and he was, that nigga lazy. Anyways after I knew he was sleep I slid out the bed, and got on the floor and started crawling to the bathroom, because s nigga legs our weak, I can barely crawl. Anyways after I got in the bathroom I climbed into the shower and turned the water on. After I was finished I screamed to wake Chris up. Once he was awake I made him change the sheets. Then I told him I was too lazy to walk in the room so I made him carry me into the room, cause I didn't want him to know I couldn't walk. After he dropped me the he went and took a shower. Then we got in bed together, and went to sleep.

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