In the Everfree

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Applejack stopped at the entrance, thinking it over. "Am I really doin' this?" She asked herself. "Yeah. Okay, jus' checkin'." she said, and walked in further.

She walked for about half an hour, until it began to get dark. "Oh, were am I gonna sleep?" She said, and walked more, shivering in the cold.  Soon, she came to a tree that looked quite deformed. Now, let's skip forward quite a bit for a minute here.

Does anyone remember season 1 episode 9, Bridle Gossip? In that particular episode, Applejack seemed to be the only one who knew where Zecora lived. In the Everfree Forest. How do you gather she knew that?

If you are thinking that I will tell you, I'm not going to. You can probably gather from the next chapter. So, here we go now. Onward, to the tree.

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