The important Ponies

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Aunt Orange woke Applejack up in the morning five days later. "Darling! How are you still asleep? Oh, dear, today is the meeting!" she said, throwing the blankets off of Applejack. "Oh, quite sorry, dear Aunt. I'll be dressed and ready in very few minutes." Applejack said, trying her best to use the voice her Aunt and Uncle had taught her to use.

"Oh, well at the moment we shall be doing your mane! It must look better than usual for the ponies who are to visit tonight." Aunt Orange said, and Applejack followed her to the room in which she had been taken to the first day she had gone there.

"Now, darling, let's begin."


After a good while, Applejack's hair was done up in an amazing hairdo, looking as if she had ever been raised on a farm, and had instead lived her whole life in that paryicular city, and did her hair in that manner every day.

"Now my dear, it's time for dinner. The important guests shall be here shortly. Please get the table ready." Uncle Orange says, going to the door to wait for the guests.


In about fifteen minutes, the guests had all taken their seats and were chatting with Applejack about her life and other topics. "And how are you finding good old Manehatten?" one of the ponies asked. "Oh, its simply Divine!" Applejack answered. Aunt Orange leaned down.

"Very well said, my dear." she said, and Applejack continued. "Although,I have to admit, the city Noise took some getting used to. Where I'm from, nights are so quiet, you seldom hear a peep until the rooster wakes you." Applejack says, some of her hair falling out of place.

"What? I say, my dear, what in the world is a... rooster?" the pony askes. Applejack began sweating. 'What's he talkin' about? What do I say?" she thought, her Aunt pulling her hair back into place. 'I don't wanna look like a fool!'

"Dinner is served!" the waiters called. Applejack relaxed. "Oh, thank goodess! Being a city pony's hard work! I'm so hungry I could eat a-" she began,but then the waiter came, with the dishes, and revealed that it was very small. Applejack sighed.

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