The Truth is Revealed

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After dinner, Applejack went to her room, and brushed her hair. She sighed, and put her hair bands back in. She looked to the corner. Her hat was there. She put it on.


She looked out the window. She could faintly see Ponyville in the distance. "I wonder what Granny Smith and Big MacIntosh are doin' right now. I bet they're applebuckin' theri bway through the red delicious right now. What I wouldn't do for just one... bite..." she said, and a single tear trickled down her cheek.

Just then, she heard a loud explosion, and a rainbow appeared. And, to Applejack's surprise, it pointed to Ponyville. She gasped and realized: her home was in Ponyville. Not here. She ran downstairs, where Aunt Orange was washing the dishes from dinner.

"Aunt Orange, I'm sorry. I can't stay here. My home is in Ponyville. Tell Uncle Orange I love him, but I'm leaving." She ran out the door and got to the train station. She got on the train, and sat down.

She was going home.

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