🌙 十🌙

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Here we are in Namjoon's car with him driving. The both of us are quiet, the air is filled with silence but no awkwardness. Its more like good vibe is surrounding us.

~Few minutes later~

"We're here." He said as he park the car.
He got out and went towards my side and opened the car door for me. "Let's go? Can't let them wait for too long." He said as he took his hand out for me to grab. "Thanks." I said as I grab his hand.

Entering the restaurant, a staff welcoming us. "Good evening, sir ma'am." "Do you have a reservation for tonight?" He asked. "No. But my friends are inside waiting for us." Namjoon said and smiled. "Oh okay, sir. You may go ahead." He said smiling.

We I mean Namjoon is looking for his friends when someone called Namjoon. We looked where it came from and saw that it was his friends. We walked towards them and I saw 4 guys.

"Hi hyung." The guy with dark brown hair said as the other guys looked towards us. We said 'Hi' back. "Oh hyung, you never said you would bring your girlfriend with you tonight." Bloned hair guy said. After he said that, I noticed that we are still holding hands. As soon I heard that I quickly took my hands out of Namjoon's grip. "Oh, your wrong. I'm his new secretary." I quickly said as I took a glance at Namjoon. He looked kinda upset.

"Oh really? Sorry my bad." Bloned hair guy said. "Its fine, Jimin. Well, lets take a sit." Namjoon said as he pulled a chair out and signal me to sit. "Oh, thanks." I said taking a sit.

"Hi! I'm Hoseok! Its nice to meet you!" He said introducing himself. "Hi. Its nice to meet you too, Hoseok. I'm Y/N." I said smiling at him. "I'm Jimin. Beside me is Jungkook. Its nice to meet you, Y/N." He said smiling. Making his eyes disappeared. "You know me already. Your co-worker and Namjoon hyung's right hand. Also his best friend!" He said proudly. I just smileda at them. "Its nice to meet you guys." I said.

As we ate dinner, we talked and know each other more. I just noticed that when Namjoon is with them, he's just so energetic. He smile's more right now compare when he's at the office, he's serious and so focus on his work. Im just glad that he smile's more when his with his friends. I smiled glancing at him.

When a call just cut me out of my thoughts. I looked at everyone if the call are from them but when I glanced at mine, it was coming from my phone. I saw that my brother is calling me.

"Uhm. I'll just go answer this. Excuse me." I said getting up from my sit. Walking away from the group. I aswered the phone. "Hello, Jin oppa?" I said. "Hello! My lovely sister! How are you?" He asked. "Im good. You?" I asked back. "I'm feeling greater than ever!" He aswered. "Well, I have a great news for you." Jin oppa said. "What is it?" I asked curious about what its is. "Its a surprise!!" He aswered. "A surprise? What kind of surprise?" I asked. I heard him sighed. "How is it going to be a surprise if I'm going to tell you." He said kind of scolding me. "Oh. Yeah right. Stupid of me. Hehe." I chuckled out of embarrassed. "Well forget about it and just wait for my surprise!" Jin oppa said excitedly. "Okay, fine." I just sighed. "Anyway, I need to go. I have works to do. Take care of yourself, okay? Be carefull." Jin oppa said. "Okay, you too." "Love you baby sister." "Me too." I aswered back and hung up.

I walked back to the group and sat down. "I'm sorry, I took long." I said. "Its okay, don't worry about it, noona." Jungkook said. Yeah, as you can see. Jungkook is younger than me. As well as Jimin and Taehyung. "Who was it?" Namjoon asked who was sitting beside me. I looked at him and said. "It was just my older brother. Telling me he has a surprise." "Oh really?" "Yes, really. I just didn't expected it since he's in Italy right now." I said to them. "Well just don't think too much about it and wait till then." Hoseok said. "Yeah, your right. I should not think about it too much." I said nodding my head.

After dinner, Namjoon took me home. I did my night routine and head to bed. But...

But I just can't get my mind away from it. I keep thinking what kind of surprise he's planning. Maybe, he's got a girlfriend? or maybe he's going to marry someone? How about maybe he's already married?? And have a baby already?

Wait wait wait Y/N stop. What are you even thinking? I sighed, maybe Jin oppa and Hoseok is right. I should forget about it and wait.

★The Rich ℬℴ𝓈𝓈★  ||KIM NAMJOON||Where stories live. Discover now