Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Dead 33 Year Old Murderers that Live in Northeast Parts of Morioh Where All the Villas are With Reasons Not to Go to Another Universe

Please don't say it was a dream, Please don't say it was a dream, Please don't say it was a dream... you thought to yourself before opening your eyes in the morning. Thankfully, but also not really, it wasn't a dream. You woke up in Josuke's room, but Josuke wasn't there. Remembering that you kind of need to get out of the school uniform you were wearing, you got up out of your futon and managed to figure out where to put it. Opening up your Pokemon trainer type bag, you managed to find out that you did in fact bring all of the necessary things for a multi-universal permanent field-trip, and searched for Josuke to figure out where his bathroom was. Unsurprisingly, you found Josuke in the bathroom, doing his hair. "Hey Josuke, can I use the bathroom for a bit?" you questioned. "Oh, uh, sure. Go ahead." After Josuke stepped out of the bathroom, you got changed. Wearing Jean Shorts with a loose white T-shirt that made you feel like your avatar in Pokemon Sun, you actually felt confident for once in your life. You did the rest of the things you needed to do that included being in a bathroom and went outside. "Oi Josuke, where's your mom? You asked, accidentally putting the in "oi" at the beginning of the sentence like it was casual. "Oh, yeah. She's working," Josuke responded, giggling slightly before continuing, "Does your mom not work?"

"Haha, no. She's pretty lazy," not wanting to talk about your mom, you try desperately to change the topic.

"So, anything you plan on doing with Okuyasu or Koichi that I can tag along in? Anything that includes hand stealing serial-killers? Time skipping bipolars?" You say, prodding at Josuke because hopefully there's a new villain to spice things up. "Uh, well... Kira and Shigechi are still... dead. But time skipping bipolars? Who's that supposed to reference?" Questioned Josuke, kind of scared for his life and your sanity. "Ok so basically after your uh- part? The main villain is able to see 10 seconds into the future and also skip time for that 10 seconds, and it's really weird, and also dangerous?" Saying that with only one question mark and two commas, you were kind of out of breath.

"We probably should tell Koichi and re-explain to Okuyasu what happened... uh..." Josuke said trying to get out the topic of crazy time skippers, and continued, "and let's start trying to find whoever got you here, because hopefully we'll be able to get you back to where you came from."

"Shouldn't we tell Rohan? You have to admit that he ended up being a big help when it came to Kira," you suggested smoothly. Josuke groaned a bit, making you regret saying that immediately, but he replied back anyways: "Ugh. Yeah, no matter how much that guy hates me, I still gotta give him credit, he is pretty good as a detective," Josuke admitted, and you could tell that it made him flustered to say that. "Ok, that's enough Rohan talk. C'mon Y/N, let's go!"

Walking down the sidewalks of Morioh with Josuke in awkward silence, you began thinking about what your stand would look like if you had one. Hmm. My own stand... I mean, it'd be cool if I got one, but I don't want to be stabbed just to have one. I don't want to die and I don't want anyone else to- "Oi Josuke! Oi girl we met yesterday!" Okuyasu yelled, knocking your train of thought 1,000 miles away from its track. "Huh? Josuke, who's she?" Asked Koichi. "Right, so guys, this is Y/N, and she's basically from another universe. She's also not a stand user, I tried to see if she could see mine, but she couldn't see it."

"Wait, you tried to show me your stand?" You asked quietly. Josuke seemed to have not heard your question, and kept talking. "We have to get her back to where she came from, and we thought that maybe Rohan could help out, so Koichi, can you ask him whether or not he can?"

"I can't, sorry. Rohan said he'd be going on a trip to England for a month," Koichi said, clearly pitying you, and continued, "But hey, if Y/N could give us the details that she remembers of the dude, maybe we can try to solve this mystery on our own?" You noticed Koichi looking at you, waiting for you to describe the 「Enemy Stando User」"Oh, uh, well... they were wearing a black beanie, but I could see that they had curly light brown hair? It looked like their hair was being held up by the beanie... they were also extremely pale... uh... oh! And they were dressed like an e-boy- I mean, they were wearing all black," remembering that this world was a while back from your own, you remembered not to use the word "e-boy" in front of people who haven't even heard of TikTok before. Pausing after your previous sentence, you continued, "Oh! I could also draw what they kind of looked like," You reached into your backpack-purse thing, and got out your sketchbook that you carried around, and a pencil. You sketched what the main villain probably looked like from the front.

"Oh hey, that's pretty good!" Okuyasu said while peering over your shoulder, and you tried not to forcefully exhale through your nose because Okuyasu is so pure and the drawing you drew is something you thought to be crap, since you drew it in like a minute. You got your phone out of your bag, and took a picture of the drawing. You were glad there was natural lighting, because you were able to get a good picture of it. You also noticed that Okuyasu and Koichi were mildly confused at the sight of a modern-day phone. You finally then ripped out your sketch of what you presumed to be the cause of problems to come, and tried giving it to Koichi. But suddenly, you felt something sharp pierce your neck.

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