Chapter 7

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Author's note: oof, sorry for the shorter chapter

Chapter 7: Fame in a Way You Wouldn't Imagine From Your Own Universe.

"Breaking News: American 2nd Year in Japanese High School Reported Missing, Last Seen Walking Away From Bus Stop" that's what the news headline read. "Lmao bro you aight you're on international news lol" is what your best friend texted you.

"Josuke, we have to go home," you quickly said, trying not to display the amount of anxiousness in your voice. "Oh uh, alright Y/N. Bye jerk," Josuke said, adding in the jerk part to offend Rohan. You ran out of Rohan's house as quickly as possible, and Josuke followed. "Y/N, are you ok? It's kind of unusual for you to rush out of places,"

"I know, but I have to see whether or not the connection is just in Rohan's house or not," while speaking, your brain was going in two directions. What if Rohan's house is the place where I'll be able to leave? What if the WiFi just started working because I've been here for awhile? Is it working because of the presence me and Josuke felt? Ugh... While thinking this, you noticed that the WiFi was still working. You also remembered that you had a crush back in your universe, and that they had texted you. Of course, they still lived in America, but you still used to have a crush on them. You had completely forgotten about them until this point, and they had sent a text message to you just then. You tapped on it, and it was a love confession. They liked you, but were only able to say it through text. They also mentioned sending someone to go find you. You decided to leave them on read, because you didn't know what to say to them.

Opening up your best friend's text though, it was far more different. All they asked was if you were ok, and not where you were, but it was expected of them. You decided to text them saying that you were all right and with the anime boy of your dreams, and you did. "Hey Josuke, can we take a picture together? I'm gonna send it to my friend."

"Oh uh, sure." Josuke shyly replied, walking closer to you. You quickly took a picture of you and Josuke together, and showed it to him. "You ok with me sending this to them?" Josuke examined the picture, and gave an ok to send it, so you did. Your friend read your message and and immediatly replied with "wtf, bro you sure you aight that has to be a cosplayer no fuckin' way" along with "ok bro you are capping rn." You giggled and texted them that you weren't, and then they left you on read. "Anyways Josuke, let's start heading back to your house."

"Yeah, ok." Pausing for a moment, Josuke turned around before continuing. "Dammit, there's definitely someone watching us, and it's not Rohan." You just felt the presence too, and could feel all your hairs stand up. "Ah, Jesus..." You remembered your crush's message about wanting to send someone to get you.

"I'm so sorry if I scared you! My name is Chrysanthemum though, and I was wondering if you could help me? I got teleported here by a strange portal," introducing herself, a pale girl with a gentle voice, unnaturally light blue eyes, and messy above-the-shoulder brown hair with a pink tint to it came into view. Wearing a thin black headband and e-girl makeup with a simple black shirt and black ripped jeans, you could tell she was rather underdeveloped and around the age of 17. "Uh, I'm guessing you are a JoJo fan, right?" You asked, hoping that she was or else she would never make it here. "Mm, JoJo? I think my sister watched that anime before, I only really ever play Portal and other games like it... Oh! You're the guy with the funny hair!" Chrysanthemum innocently stated before you said "uh oh" and heard Josuke getting angry.

"What'd you say about my hair?!"

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