Chapter 9

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"Woah, Jotaro, you're back so soon?" Josuke asked, "I thought you were coming back after your next trip you mentioned!"

"Well, I finished my search there early. Bring your new friend with you outside. There's things we need to discuss," Jotaro responded, and so you got up and went to the door. Jotaro was already waiting outside and Josuke was waiting for you right in front of the door. You put your shoes on, went outside, and closed the door.

"Ok, you're both here. I need to know about your travelling situation. I have to know as much as I can about your previous universe before you came here," Jotaro's voice made you tired in person. You also noted that he was probably suspicious about your story. "So, uh, I know about all of you because you're all from an anime and manga series? It's hard to explain, but I know about your trip to Egypt, Joseph's pillar men ordeal, Jonathans, well, Dio problem? And also of course about Yoshikage Kira, that's obvious, I guess. I also know about Giorno Gio- I mean, Haruno, I think is what he still goes by? Oh and I know about Jolyne! Do you have any pictures of her-" in the middle of your sentence, You saw Star Platinum arise from Jotaro, and immediately stopped talking about his daughter. You did not have time for a beat-up from Jotaro, even if Josuke would be able to fix you with Crazy Diamond. So, you talked about anime, mentioning Kakyoin, Other shonen and shojo animes, when you realized your phone or your volume of part 4 would be enough proof, so you took your phone out of your pocket and started searching up Jojo. You showed them covers of the volumes, fan made endings and openings, along with fan-made themes, and the official theme songs of the characters. You showed them clips of the anime, and some clips of interviews that Araki was in, too. Jotaro told you that there was enough proof after a few of them.

"Josuke, Y/N, it's time for dinner!" Yelled Tomoko from out the window. Jotaro said that he'd meet you at the Morioh Grand Hotel around 7 P.M., told you both to stay safe, and started walking to a bus stop. You and Josuke went inside after that.

Dinner was kind of awkward, all you really did was eat in silence. You noticed that Josuke kind of ate like 12-year-old Jonathan. "So, what's going on with you two? Are you guys dating or something yet?" Tomoko teased, but those words almost surprised you to death. "Uhh, well, we kind of- I, uh- yes?" Josuke stuttered, and you died inside for the full amount this time. You assumed your entire face was redder than the red parts of the sun at this point. "Wait, Josuke, you have a girlfriend now?" Tomoko exclaimed, and her face was either angry or surprised or happy, you couldn't tell at all. "Either way, I'll talk about this with you later, young man. I have something to ask your friend," Tomoko said, and after taking a breath for air, she continued speaking, "Honey, are you homeless or something? You've been staying here for almost a whole month," uh oh. I need to think of some lie quickly, I can't just tell her I'm from another universe, that'd make me sound insane. Uhh, homeless, always staying at someone else's houses; I know! "Actually, I'm an orphan. I used to be in foster care, but they kicked me out, and since I lived in the S city, I decided to just travel here so I could find some place to stay," You weren't quite sure whether or not foster care was a thing in Japan, but figuring that you said you were from the big city made up for it. Tomoko gave you a slightly suspicious look, but shook her head: "oh, alright. I'll probably have to enroll you into school with Josuke then. Summer break is almost over, after all," oh shit, summer break? I forgot that the breaks here were so short. I don't want to go to school though, I'll have to make up another lie. "Oh, no, I graduated school early, since I skipped a grade, I just don't want to go to college just yet," You said, and hoped that she couldn't see through all of your lies. Surprisingly, she believed you, and dinner continued like any normal dinner would.

After Josuke got lectured by Tomoko on what you assumed to be how to treat a girl right, both you and him had to go to the Morioh Grand Hotel. Getting there wouldn't be that hard, there were multiple roads that would take you to the hotel, after all. It was 6:30 though, since you knew that it would still take a while to get there. You teased Josuke a little about his mom, so he argued back with the fact you didn't have one in his universe. You laughed and held hands for a while, until you were almost at the Hotel, and just crossed over a main road.

"Well, I think I've found the bastard of the Joestar bloodline," a strange man with a tophat and a kind of gay, but also manly voice stepped out of the shadow of a tree. He had a weirdly chiseled jawline and pale skin, what looked like unusually long ears, light brown hair that went down to his shoulders and curled at the end, and he was close enough that you could tell that his eyes looked like they were glowing in a light blue tint. He looked like a magician, especially with the black suit coat and light green turtleneck he was wearing. "My name's Desmond, part of the Vadleigh family. I think it's in my best regards to tell you my name before I kill you, Josuke," Desmond said, taking off his completely black tophat to reveal a singular, sharp and bent black horn on the left side of his head. "Why would you wanna kill me? We literally just met," Josuke said, kind of defensively. He let go of your hand. "My dearest older sister, Elise, told me that I had to go here and help cause drama, so you see, I get to murder someone, and my youngest sister gets to document it! All for the sake of story writing, so I decided I might as well purify the Joestar family a bit more. We don't need bastards like you tainting it," Desmond literally monologued like a villain from a fantasy story, it was rather entertaining. "Although, I need to find Chrysanthemum. She's my sister, and so your enemy as well, if you'd view it as such. It's be wonderful if you could tell me where she was, because right now, I'd prefer never interacting with you two again and having her send me and her home. I really have no clue why my eldest sister enjoyed this part so much," oh my god when will he stop monologuing? Wait, did he just say Chrys was his sister? You were in total spacing out mode when you noticed that Desmond was pulling out a knife. "Wait, Josuke, I think his stand is part of himself-"

"Ah, fuck," Josuke groaned, and you definitely heard something go into him, and that something was a knife. There was a knife in his abdomen. "Ta~ta! By mister dead man!" Desmond giggled, and disappeared into the ground. You thought you saw a yellowish portal on the ground from where he fell. "Uh, Josuke, are you ok?"

"Y/N, bring your stand out, it has healing abilities, right?" Josuke's voice was extremely weak for someone that had sustained injuries far worse than a knife in the abdomen, but you were still so scared. You brought out 13, and noticed they were partially transparent. You took some of its gel and tried to take the knife out of Josuke as gently as possible. You put the gel on Josuke's stab wound, and watched as it slowly closed up.

You looked up to see Jotaro. He must've walked over during the healing process, but he still kind of made you jump when you noticed he was there. "Uh, Hi Jotaro-" Josuke got cut off. "Y/N, Josuke, you both need a lot more training. You distract each other," Jotaro said, and you nervously giggled. Jesus, training? How am I gonna train before Josuke has to go back to school?

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