Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Overall Uneasiness and Punchy and Yeety Urges.

You woke up in a bit of a grumpy mood due to a Spotify ad being what you woke up to. You looked at Josuke (who was still sleeping) and giggled. He looked really cute with his hair not in a pompadour, but he also looked like an entirely different person. You figured that you'd get ready before you woke him up, it was pretty damn early. You went into the bathroom to get changed and put on your clothes. Getting your hair and everything else ready, you finally finished doing your business and went back to Josuke's room to wake him up. You looked at him peacefully sleeping and gathered the confidence to wake him up. "Josuke, wake up. It's already 9 in the morning." You watched Josuke open his eyes and slowly sit up while yawning. "Oh. Good morning Y/N. Anything you wanted to do today?" Having Josuke be such a soft boy in the morning made you nearly bawl your eyes out, but then he realized that his hair wasn't in iconic pomp fashion and he nearly had a heart attack. "Oh shit, gotta do my hair!"

"Josuke, I think you look good with or without your hair in a pompadour. Maybe you should wear it down today?" You nervously suggested that, hoping that Josuke wouldn't pummel your face in with his stand. "You uh, really think so Y/N?"

"I mean, I'm not gonna stop you from wearing it as you usually do since I already know why you wear it like that, but maybe it'd be good for your hair?" You paused and then realized Josuke was staring at the window. "Hey, Y/N, do you feel like you're being watched or is it just me?" Josuke said quietly, and when he said that he felt like he was being watched, you felt it too. The unshakable presence of someone that you couldn't see was definitely there. Josuke brought out Crazy Diamond to protect both of you, but you didn't bring out your stand in fear of it flinging away another person with a stand arrow. After about a minute of you and Josuke standing there, you felt the presence go away, and you could tell that Josuke felt it too.

The moment you felt your guts untangle, the phone rang and managed to scare Josuke a bit more than you. "Ah, not the phone; are we in a horror movie or something now?" Josuke whined, And you heard Tomoko get the phone.

"Hello, Higashikata residence?" Huh, ah, wrong number. All right. Have a nice day," Hearing Tomoko hang up the phone, you took a deep breath and asked Josuke a question. "Uh, Josuke, maybe we should see if Rohan's back home? It's a new month after all, so maybe he would be home?"

"Right. I'll do my hair then. I don't want Rohan prodding at me for wearing it down," Josuke said, grabbing his clothes and heading out to the bathroom.

After Josuke got ready, you and him both went to Rohan's house. You were about to ring his doorbell, but beforehand, Josuke stopped to warn you something. "Hey, uh, if Rohan tries to touch you and I don't see it, tell me, alright?"

"Alright," realizing that Josuke was being a bit protective over you by saying that, your face got red, and you ringed the doorbell of Rohan's house, waiting for him to answer. You already knew that his door was opened, but it was best to ring his doorbell anyways. You heard footsteps, knowing that they had to be Rohan's. He fully opened the door, and rudely greeted you both. "Who are you, a fan? Come inside, I'll- oh. You're with him. Are you Josuke's girlfriend or something?"

"Listen Rohan, we're not here to chit-chat. We need your help with an enemy stand-user." Surprisingly, Josuke interrupted Rohan with that sentence, and it seemingly made Rohan a lot more interested in what you both had to say. "Oh? Come inside then. I'll hear what you both have to say. Don't get anything dirty though."

You went into Rohan's house after taking your shoes off and saw the full inside for once. Rohan's house was huge. You couldn't even believe that someone really owned a house this large that was living as a mangaka. You kind of cried inside knowing that you'd never be this successful. You and Josuke both sat down on one of Rohan's couches quietly and basically breathed in awkward silence. "Anyways, here's your tea. Wow, you two are an awfully quiet couple. Aww, Josuke, did you get into a fight with them or something? Anyways, what did you two so desperately need me for?" With that opening line, Rohan could already consider himself dead, and he probably knew it himself. Josuke shot Rohan a glare and told him the deal with your portal crisis. "Wait. She's from another universe, and you've never told me about her? Josuke, I am severely-"

"Rohan, you were in Europe, how was I supposed to contact you?"

"Josuke, I am still severely disappointed. That gives me the right to use Heaven's Door on her," With Rohan and Josuke arguing back and forth, you almost had a stroke trying to not laugh. And then Rohan used Heaven's Door on your arm. And you nearly fainted. "Oh god-" was the only thing you were able to say without actually fainting. You almost fell backwards, but Josuke caught you before you reached the floor. "Rohan, what the hell, stop!" Hearing Josuke yell at Rohan, you tensed up, but tried to act like nothing was wrong. For ten whole seconds, Rohan was skimming through your life story like it was a super short light novel, all before you heard Josuke yell "Crazy Diamond" and saw Rohan get flung halfway across his house. You just stood there in shock, unable to really do anything against these overpowered stand users. But right after Rohan got yeeted, your phone started buzzing and ringing like crazy. You immediately grabbed it out of your purse and was greeted with what seemed like hundreds of text messages from your friends and family. Rohan ran back over to where you and Josuke were, and Josuke looked at your phone from over your shoulder. "Is that a phone?" Asked Rohan. "Y/N, is your phone supposed to do that?" Questioned Josuke. "I- uh- this doesn't make sense... I have no internet connection-" You said, all before realizing that you, in fact, did have a WiFi signal and data, somehow. It wouldn't make sense if you thought about it anyways. Looking through the text messages, you saw things from friends, and your parents. Opening up your mom's texts, you saw a hundred "r u ok"'s and "where r u"'s. You also saw a really long paragraph you wanted to just respond to with an 8-ball request. You didn't read it either way. Opening up your best friend's text message, you were greeted with a picture of a news article headline.

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