Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Back in the Storm, Saying Goodbye, but only for a while.

"Hey, hey, Y/N, wake up," Josuke said, while lightly tapping on your shoulder. You grumbled, sat up, and rubbed your eyes. "What time is it..?" You asked, only to be responded with "8:12," from Josuke. "And uh, your mom told me I should probably go today," once you processed what Josuke just said, you immediately got confused. "Wait, my mom told you to leave?"

"Yeah, she said that your dad is coming today. Should we ask Chrysanthemum to send me back..?" Josuke said, and you could hear the sorrow in his voice. "It doesn't even feel like it's been a month.." You replied, ignoring his question completely. Josuke pursed his lips, and made a 'hm' sound. "Oh, but, yeah, we probably should go to Chrysanthemum's, though," you said, finally responding to his question. You and Josuke both left to go outside, of course, to a place you wished you didn't have to be in for at least a couple more weeks, or months. You knocked on Chrysanthemum's door. "Coming!" yelled a voice from the inside. Margaret opened the door, to your surprise. "Oh, hi there... person, and Josuke! What are you here for?" Margaret questioned, except very loudly. "Josuke needs to go back to Morioh, you know," you shook your head, and thought you felt someone looking at you. Taking a quick look around, though, nobody was in your sight, besides Josuke and Margaret. "Wow, uh, I'll tell Chrys you both were there... Uh, Desmond is still... alive," Margaret said, rushing the last sentence quietly. You freaked out. "Wait, he got shot," you mumbled to yourself. Josuke didn't say anything about the comment, you assumed he didn't hear it. Margaret could be heard from outside knocking on Chrysanthemum's door and telling her that you and Josuke were there. "Right, she's not leaving her room, so you both get to come inside. Don't worry, her and I are the only ones awake right now."

You walked into the apartment, and got the same overbearing feeling you had last time you were there. Margaret opened the door to Chrysanthemum's room, and you took a quick look around. Chrysanthemum was the first thing you saw. She was in front of her door, but behind her, you could see she had LED lights around her ceiling that were currently orange. "Hey, come on in," Chrysanthemum said, opening her door fully to reveal the rest of her room. Chrysanthemum didn't have much on her walls, just an empty cork board, an orange and pink flag, and a Danganronpa poster. It was just awfully simple: bed, closet, poster, board, flag, and a computer. It was a typical gaming setup, one that a competitive gamer would buy, with the rainbow LEDs in it and all. Margaret left the door and headed to the kitchen.

"So, Josuke is leaving?" Chrysanthemum asked after closing the door. "Uh, yeah. Back to Morioh," Josuke said, his sorrow leaking into his last few words. "Right, say your goodbyes before I open the portal," Chrysanthemum said, taking out her stand's case from the thin air. She put it on her bed, and opened it. "Uh, well, see you in six months-!" You tried to say, before Josuke pulled you into a hug. He was warm, maybe too warm, and you heard Chrysanthemum make a fake vomiting noise. You hugged Josuke back, though. "I'm- I'm gonna really miss you, Y/N. Write down what happens to you every day or something, I'll do the same. But, yeah, see you in six months," Josuke said. "Ok, you guys, I have my stand ready, so, here you go Josuke," Chrysanthemum pointed her gun at the wall, firing the trigger. A really light pink rim appeared first, and then the rest of Morioh came into view. "Bye," Josuke said, releasing you from his grasp, and walking into the portal. Just like that, he was gone. You started to tear up. "He's- He's just gone, like that?" You cried, and Chrysanthemum put her hand on your shoulder. You'll get to see him again, don't cry too much. You should head home," Chrysanthemum said, in a half-caring, half I-don't-know-what-to-do-in-this-situation tone. You nodded, and left, still crying, of course. You walked back into your house to be greeted with your dad's angry face. "You brought a boy in the house right after you ran away?!" He exclaimed, angrily. You barely could see him with the amount of water draining from your eyes. You nodded and tried to go back to your room, but obviously, it wasn't that simple. "Young lady, you're grounded for five months! No phone and no staying anywhere after school!" Your dad yelled, and you realized your mom must've said you ran away instead of being kidnapped, like you said to say. "Go to your room. You're going back to school tomorrow," your dad finally said, ending his yelling. You walked in your room, closed your door, sat on your bed, and cried.

It was a good thirty minutes of tears before you stopped crying. You looked down at your shirt and just saw a bunch of wet-spots. You decided to write down what happened, and prepared for the painful 5 months.

Author's Note: You may or may not be wondering what happens next in this story, so I'll tell you what's going to happen for a bit. I'll be taking a hiatus from writing this, but will be writing a new story that's a Kakyoin x reader. It'll be around 16 chapters as well, but with Kakyoin, and more chill, of course. I'm going to take my time writing that one, along with writing it all before I start to publish, so it will get to be more cohesive, and won't stop halfway through like a lot of series on this site. At least, this story itself will take 3 months to pick up once more, but it may not. Thanks for reading, though.

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