Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Running to death and having death result from actions you and other people have performed.

"Sorry Jotaro, this is important!" Josuke quickly said, and started chasing after you and Chrysanthemum. You couldn't really process what was actually going on, and all you really noticed is that Chrysanthemum was a lot faster than you, and that you were slightly out of shape. Weirdly enough she managed to reach her destination before you were even within 3 meters of her. She ran inside an old, abandoned-looking house. Wait, isn't this Okuyasu's house?

It in fact was Okuyasu's house. It seemed to be the place Chrysanthemum lived in, most likely with just Okuyasu, since you did remember Desmond saying that he couldn't seem to find her. You stopped in front of the old house and waited for Josuke to catch up. "Well, what are we doing? Let's go in there!" Josuke exclaimed, and you could tell he was excited, but you also noticed a hint of fear in his voice. "Josuke, we have to plan this out. We can't just go in there, especially if Chrys and Okuyasu aren't just the only ones there," you tried to reason with Josuke, but he only replied with "yeah, so what? I'll just be able to punch them all anyways, and then we'll all be good." You sighed at his comment, but decided to put the gel from your stand on his nose and your nose. "Hey, what's this for?" Josuke questioned. "It's for your nose in case that one girl with the chloroform gas is there. It'll become invisible in a minute though, so you don't have to worry about people seeing it as long as you don't touch it." You told Josuke this is in a slightly angry manner, although you weren't sure why it came out like them.

"Oh, oi Josuke, uhh, Y/N! Do you guys wanna come inside?!" You jumped at the strange voice, but realized right after that it was Okuyasu. "Oh, hey Okuyasu. Yeah, we're fine with going inside," Josuke said, and he gave you a smug smile before going inside. You followed, and what you saw honestly shocked you.

Sitting on the couch there was Desmond, with an unfamiliar face- no, Margaret- sitting on his lap in a manner that made them look like they were just making out. It almost made you gag at the thought, mostly because the more you learned of him, the more he reminded you of Dio. You saw that Chrysanthemum was putting the black backpack you never noticed she had on the floor near the couch Desmond was sitting on. Chrysanthemum also looked rightfully uncomfortable, and glanced up to realize that you and Josuke were there. "Okuyasu, that's the dude I called you about that literally tried to kill me," Josuke interrupted the awkward silence that had been going on for at least fifteen seconds, and you were glad. "Huh? He's the guy that you told me about? How does he get to have a girlfriend and I don't then..?" Okuyasu pouted, and you tried your best to contain your laughter. "Well, I presume it's time for my villainous monologue, but I really can't help it, can I? I am the current villain," Desmond let Margaret get off of his lap, and he stood up to do the rest of his little monologue. "Anyways, I'm amazed that you were able to find me and walk straight into my lair so quickly, although that's able to be blamed on Chrysanthemum's forgetting to use her own stand," Desmond glared at Chrysanthemum for a quick second, and she jumped when she saw him look at her. You wondered why he seemed to be so rude to his own sister, but guessed that was because she was the youngest. "Ha. So anyways, we have the bastard, the bastard's little plaything, and the bastard's idiot friend. Ooh, such rude language, pardon me!" Desmond had such a sarcastic tone that you thought he was gonna use all the sarcasm left in the world, but while you were thinking that, apparently Josuke got angry. "Listen over-feminine magician guy, you can say whatever you want about me, I don't even care about my hair at this point, but you can't just call my girlfriend my plaything!" Josuke screamed, and it startled you, he usually never lost his cool unless it was about his hair, and he just said he didn't care about it. You saw Okuyasu start to tear up in the corner of your eye.

Suddenly, you felt someone grip your neck, and you got pinned down on the floor. You heard a noise that reminded you of the sound that The Hand makes, and your brain took a while to realize that Desmond was the one who pinned you down. "Well, I'm guessing that you don't like me doing this to your plaything then, do you, bastard?!" Desmond was weirdly angry at getting yelled at, he seemed like the type of guy to keep his calm, but apparently not. His words were slowly starting to lose their cohesiveness the more he jabbered on. You noticed that you were trapped in an unsaturated blue hemisphere, and you guessed that it was Desmond's stand ability. You saw Josuke trying to punch it with Crazy Diamond, but the stand was force-field like. It wouldn't let any stand or person through, apparently. You tried to release your own stand, but it couldn't come out either.

Am I going to die..? I guess I am just a jo-bro, but why now? I was going to save part 5, why doesn't fate want me to? I have to get out... If I have more time, I could live... So why won't this dumb universe let me-! You heard a gunshot through the barrier, and saw blood. Desmond got shot in the head. The barrier disappeared, which confirmed for you that he was dead. Josuke threw Dead-smond off of you, and picked you up to hug you. There was blood on your shirt from being under a dead body, and you had to fully process what was happening to even be able to understand what everyone was saying. "Y/N, are you ok? Let me see your neck, did he bruise it?" Josuke lifted your head to check for bruises, and all he saw was the red finger-marks Desmond had left. Josuke sighed, but he didn't use Crazy Diamond on you.

Thud. You turned around to see Chrysanthemum on her knees on the floor, and she was sobbing. Margaret was patting her on the back, but you could tell she wasn't helping the situation much. Margaret didn't seem all that sad, more like she was just disappointed. "Listen Chrys, your brother's dead, and it's not like he treated you all that well. We still can go back home, and if ya want, you can bring that girl back too; well, only if she wants to leave." Margaret half-heartedly said, and waited for Chrysanthemum's reply, "I-I didn't mean to kill him, I..." Her voice was more timid and breathy than usual, which made sense since she just was crying. She took a few deep breaths, closed her eyes, seemingly thinking of something, and stood up, wiping her tears. You could tell that she was way mentally stronger than you were, even though you both were around the same age. "Can-can we bury him? I know one of you can use your weird stand thingies that he talked about to get rid of his body, but... I want him to just be buried here. As close to the place he died as possible. There's a shovel in my backpack," Chrysanthemum got the shovel she had out of her backpack, and told Josuke and Okuyasu to carry Desmond's body. Josuke healed Desmond's gunshot with Crazy Diamond. Margaret and you followed behind as Chrysanthemum instructed Okuyasu to put the body down and start digging the hole. He was halfway through digging when someone noticed you.

"Care to explain what happened here?"

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