Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Training and Raining

You weren't able to train all that much before Josuke was done with his break. You were glad you got some time off from school yourself though. It had already been 2 months since you arrived in Morioh, and you were finding 1999 to be a quite comforting time period. Morioh was a very quiet town, after all. Tomoko had let you start to use the spare room in Josuke's house so you finally did have privacy, and weren't woken by Josuke's alarm every school day. She didn't really seem to question why you went out so much, so you thought that she assumed that you found some girls to hang out with, or something like that. In reality, you often had to go to places that were well-secluded to train with Jotaro, he was a pretty strong opponent, but he was at least nice enough to go a little easy on you. But hey, all you had to do was use 13's gel, and you'd be fine. 13's habit of moving without your saying so had ended for the most part, too. Maybe it was because you felt less lonely? It always kind of acted up when Josuke was at school though.

You were still extremely scared of Desmond, and were always on the lookout for Chrysanthemum. You needed to figure out more of her family situation. You mostly just wanted to know who in her family took you there, you blamed Desmond for the portals, though. You wondered where the alleged older sister was, and why she wanted them to bring you to this universe just to meet Josuke. It sounded like some weird interest or even a fetish, but maybe they were just interested in how a Jojo fan acted in the actual Jojo universe. It gave you all a headache, though, so you tried not to think about it much.

You finished getting ready for the day, since Jotaro called and said he was going to pick you up to train. This was probably the 5th time he called for the entire week, and it was only Tuesday! You trusted Jotaro though, cause you knew he wasn't a bad guy, but at the same time, that fact was debatable.

There was the usual awkward car ride, and this time, you arrived at the beach, which was unusual for training. It mostly revolved around you trying to control your stand more with your mind for easier fighting ability, and Jotaro yelling at you whenever you did something wrong. His yelling always gave you headaches. You got out of the car, and Jotaro gave you the directions for the day: "Look for a sea creature," that was the only instruction he gave you. Not even a specific kind of creature or whatever, just "sea creature." You knew that you probably shouldn't talk back to him, he always threatened to go all ora ora on you. That would be scary, to say the least. You sat on a large rock that was bordering the water, and searched for some sort of creature. It took you two minutes until you got bored. Jotaro didn't let you listen to music, and you couldn't just take your phone out or play any games. You sighed, and just let your mind go wherever it took you.

Man, Morioh sure is peaceful after all that happened here. There's no Kira, no Angelo; well, he's still a rock. I'm kind of sad that Josuke couldn't be here because of school. Hopefully no girls are flirting with him. I mean, I trust him, but still... It makes me feel jealous to even think about that.

Part five though. It should be happening in like, six months. Ah, it's already September here... Jesus, I feel like I haven't kept track of time at all. Mmm, shouldn't they be going after Scollopi soon, right? I have to help everyone in it; nobody deserved to die, except for maybe Melone, but we don't talk about him. I don't know how though-

The moment you were almost out of your thinking, a crab started speeding across the sand. "Jotaro! There's a crab!" You practically screamed at the sight of it.

"Pick it up-" Jotaro said, but saw you were petrified, and so he managed to get the crab by himself. "It's just a snow crab," he stated, and put it back down gently on the sand, when it scurried away. "I was expecting you to find some sort of fish in the water. We're leaving now. Get in the car," Jotaro packed up his fishing gear, and you realized how dumb you were for not understanding his directions more clearly, but remembered that all he said was "sea creauture" and at this point in your life, a rabbit could fly and you'd think it was normal.

The car ride, like the rest of them, was silent and awkward. It was like that until you asked one question. "Um, can you ask someone in the Speedwagon Foundation to find the phone number or email of Pannacotta Fugo? He lives in Naples, Italy."

"What does he look like?" Jotaro asked, and pulled over to the side of the road to take notes with a notepad and pen he brought everywhere. "Well, he'll probably be wearing some sort of light-green dress pants with holes in them, along with the same color of green open jacket, also with holes in it. Uh, he has blonde hair, and he doesn't wear a shirt or anything under his jacket. He'll probably also be wearing a blue-ish tie with a strawberry pattern on it?" You tried to describe him to the best of your ability. Jotaro tried to write all of your gibberish down onto his notepad, and said "any more details?" So, you felt obliged to tell him the last two parts. "He's in the mafia, and is in a group with rather feminine muscular dudes? He gets angry easily, and is most likely going to be in a restaurant with his buddies. Um, and can you say to get his email or phone number as soon as possible? It's important." Jotaro got out of park, and started driving back to Josuke's again. It took a little bit longer. But you were on his block in no time. He didn't want Tomoko seeing you being picked up and dropped off by an older dude every day, even though it was Josuke's nephew, because surprisingly he knew it was pretty damn creepy without context. You went inside, and the next days proceeded like normal.

**Four days later, September 9th.

It was raining outside, and you and Josuke were in his room, watching the rain fall. "Hey, Josuke, I have a plan I need to tell you about."

"What is it?" Josuke turned his head towards you, and so you started to try and explain, "I want to save Giorno, your uh, great-uncle? Well, more specifically, his friends. Some of them, well, die, and they really didn't deserve it and I-"

"Y/N, you have to get back home. I love you, and I don't want you to leave, but you need to get back. The entire reason you're here isn't just some way for you to fulfill your dreams, this is actually something to be worried about. I know saving people is important, but you should be focusing on getting home instead of that," after Josuke was done lecturing you, he pulled you closer to him for a hug, and you couldn't help but start to cry. "But, Josuke..." you sobbed, but couldn't get all of the words out. Josuke kissed you on the cheek, and gently wiped off your tears . "Maybe after we figure out how you'll get home, we can go help them. Ok?" Josuke loosened his arms from around you, and gave you one of his goofy smiles. "Oh, hey, it stopped raining. It'll be really humid and muddy, but you wanna go outside and do something?" Josuke asked, even though you were just having a moment. "Mmm, why don't we go to Rohan's? I know that you really don't like him, but I'm not gonna learn fluent Italian without cheating," You questioned, still slightly sniffling from crying. Josuke groaned, but gave the ok to go. You went to your room to get changed into something that wasn't pajamas, went to the front door to put your shoes on, and waited for Josuke. He came out of his room, put his hair in his pompadour, and finally put his shoes on so you could go outside. You started to walk outside, but saw two people- one going towards you, and the other going away from you. The person going towards you was Jotaro, who had a letter in his hand, and the person speed-walking away from you was Chrysanthemum. You immediately started to run towards Chrysanthemum, unsure of what would happen, but you knew you had to confront her.

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