Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Hon Hon Oui Oui the Existential Crisis of a Writer's Family

"Care to explain what happened here?" Jotaro Kujo questioned, which prompted Chrysanthemum to get startled, and Okuyasu to drop the shovel. Margaret just stared at Jotaro like he was the Messiah. "Oh um, hey Jotaro! Uhh, nothing much, just shoveling," Josuke nervously said, and you noticed that he bit his lip, his nervous habit. Okuyasu kept shoveling again, and Chrysanthemum regained her calm. Margaret kept staring. "We're burying a body. Nothing unusual," you sarcastically said. Jotaro sighed, and handed you a letter from his pocket. You remembered that he had the same letter earlier, when you decided to chase after Chrysanthemum. "Pannacotta Fugo's phone number, and e-mail. You'd also be better off legally burying the body, and not burying him like you just killed him," Jotaro said, in his iconic dull voice. He left, without asking any more questions beside the one that he first asked. "Oh my god Jotaro is hot," Margaret mumbled, and Chrysanthemum gave her a look that screamed "what the fuck?" You couldn't help but laugh a little. "Can't we just bury him already?" Josuke whined, and you noticed that he was still nervous.

Okuyasu finished digging the hole, and both Josuke and Okuyasu threw Dead-smond in. Josuke immediately went back inside to wash his hands, and so you took it as an opportunity to talk to him. "Hey, Josuke, can I talk to you?" You were more nervous than usual, mostly because the plan you were going to pitch sounded a little crazy. "Yeah, what is it?" Josuke responded, and you were ready to tell him your master plan. "The letter Jotaro just gave me, it's how we're gonna help Giorno's friends. Uhm, Giorno is one of your uncles by the way, in case you forgot. Basically, it's this dude named Fugo's email, but it's also his phone number, so it's like, we're gonna be able to kind of control what he does, as long as he wants to cooperate, which will be hard, but he's really the only one we can trust not to tell anyone else-"

"Y/N, we're this close to getting you back home, do you really want to do this? It's gonna be hard for me to see you go, but your parents are probably really worried. If you really want to do this, make sure your parents know that you're leaving," Even though Josuke interrupted you, you realized that he was worried for your well-being. You wanted to argue with him, but you really couldn't.

"Hey, Okuyasu finished burying my boyfrie- I mean, Desmond, you lovebirds going outside yet?" Margaret walked over to the area where you and Josuke were to ask her question. "Uh, yeah! I was just washing my hands, sorry." Josuke said, and you noticed that he didn't really react to the fact that Margaret called you both lovebirds. The moment you walked out of the kitchen, Okuyasu and Chrysanthemum both walked inside.

So there you were, all in the living room. The air seemed thick for a reason you couldn't figure out, and there was ten seconds of silence. "So, Y/N, I'm guessing you wanna go back home, and meet my sister too, right?" Chrysanthemum asked, but you didn't respond. You knew that it was immature of you, but you didn't want to leave this universe.

It's only been a month, but I already have a boyfriend, and really learned how to fit in a bit more. Nobody even judged me here, except for when I was training my stand with Jotaro. Morioh really was a peaceful town. I even was gonna save all the characters in part 5- I have to save them all-.

"Yeah, she's going, but can I come too? I wanna have a talk with your sister as well," Josuke spoke up for you, even though he knew you really didn't want to go back. You sighed, mostly because you knew you didn't. "Hm, yeah, that should be fine. Then I'll be using all my bullets, but it's ok," Chrysanthemum agreed, and took out a silver case only a few centimeters larger than an average hardcover book. When Chrysanthemum opened her case, you saw an odd, pastel pink and silver gun, one similar to a revolver. There was also what looked like six oval-shaped capsules that you assumed were bullets. One was orange and had a silver hoop around it, two were white, and the remaining three were just pink. She opened the revolver and put all the bullets inside, which made you confused. "Wait, why did you put all of your bullets in..? There's only 5 of us going at the max," you asked, and so Chrysanthemum responded, "so, the orange bullet is for just me to teleport, the white ones are both needed for multi-universal travel, and the pink ones are for you, Margaret, and... Josuke?" After Chrysanthemum finished loading her gun- well, her stand- she faced a wall with no cracks or windows on it, fiddled with what looked like a screen on the gun, thought for a bit, and pulled the trigger.

The portal was bright, maybe for a second or two, and your eyes had to get used to the change in lighting. Around a salmon-pink colored ring, you saw the city you didn't want to get used to from over a month ago. You were pretty sure you were seeing right out the alleyway you came to Morioh in. Sendai was a beautiful city, and you could tell that both Josuke and Okuyasu were shocked when they saw it. "Uhm, well, since I'm the stand user, I have to go first," Chrysanthemum stated, and walked through the portal. You saw her on the other side, and she waved to motion for you, Margaret and Josuke to walk through. Margaret ran into the portal, which left just you and Josuke. You waved to Okuyasu before Josuke dragged you into the portal. The moment you got back into your universe, you turned around to see if the portal was still there, but it was gone. There was nothing there. You turned back around and saw that it was the afternoon, just like it was in Morioh. The streets weren't too crowded, so you guessed it was a school day. You checked your phone, noticed it was almost dead, but that it was also Wednesday. You were relieved there weren't that many people on the streets. "Ugh, I really don't want to see Elise right now..." Chrysanthemum groaned, and led you all to an apartment building. Your apartment building. You guessed that you should just wait to tell everyone after this. "Wow, this is... mildly disappointing," Josuke said after you all walked into the building. You guessed that he was expecting floating cars, and other technologically advanced things that there weren't at the moment. You went into the elevator, and Chrysanthemum pressed the button for the 12th floor. The elevator ride was awkward and silent. Not even Margaret said a thing. The elevator doors opened, and nobody was in the hallway. You realized that this was your apartment floor, mostly because your parents had a sign with your last name on it on your apartment door, in English. You remembered your mom putting it up when you moved in. Chrysanthemum unlocked her apartment's door, the door across from yours. You internally screamed. "Elise, you home?" Chrysanthemum asked when you got inside. She waited for five seconds, but there was no other noise. "My sister's not here, so if you still want to see her, you're gonna have to wait. Sorry." After Chrysanthemum said that, she ushered you, Josuke, and Margaret all in, and locked the door. Josuke groaned, "Great, we can't see your stupid sister until after she gets home. What's next, she doesn't exist?" You noticed that Josuke was really grumpy. But, you took in the entire apartment. There was a lot of american antique furniture, like older wooden dressers and cabinets, a wooden coffee table, and a rectangular dinner table. Everything seemed very hand-crafted. There was even old-looking lace on most of these things, and you wondered how someone could stay sane in such an old environment. You saw a bunch of black-and-white photos that you were too far away to see the details of. It almost seemed like you were in a set for a show that took place in the 1920's. "It looks old, doesn't it? When my mother died, Elise took custody of me and my brother, and we moved here. I'm not sure how she travelled most of our furniture over here," Chrysanthemum had a sappy tone to her voice, on top of her already gentle and soft tone. When she spoke, you almost fell asleep, but you wanted to ask her a question first, "So, Chrys, how'd you learn Japanese?"

"Oh, uh, I play video games a lot, so I just played them with Japanese voice lines, I guess. Like Danganronpa, and Nekopara, and stuff," you think that she didn't expect you to know what Nekopara was, but you did, and tried to hold in your laughter. You noticed that Josuke was inspecting the tv, and that Margaret was half-asleep while sitting on the couch. But just then, you heard the door click open.

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