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art by cryptikk_cries on instagram

Prompt: Zak gets sick after they go on a tiring roadtrip. Darryl takes care of him, very interesting stuff happens.


Third Person's POV
After Harvey, Dave, George, Vincent, Clay, Darryl and Zak all go on a road trip, they were now all in a cramp car on their way back. Darryl was driving the car. He dropped off everyone else besides Zak first since his was closest to his house. Once they reached Zak's house, Zak got out of the car but suddenly collapsed before he could close the door.

"ZAK!!" Darryl quickly opened his door and went over to him. Before he knew it, darkness overcame his vision and he heard Darryl's voice fade out.

Zak's POV
I woke up in a bed in a totally different room that I've never seen before. But soon I felt a stabbing headache, one of my worst. I look around and I see Darryl resting with his arms on the bed on a chair beside me. He must've heard me waking up because he shot up quickly.

"Zak? You're awake?! Oh my goodness, you're awake!"

"Huh?" I was confused out of my mind.

"You fell unconscious for a day."

"What?!" I grew worried.

"Yeah, I brought a doctor to check on you and he only said that you were carrying a dangerously high fever along with a lot of stress." He seemed upset.

I stayed silent as he spoke again going back to sit on his chair. He held my hand and rubbed the knuckles of my hand and softly spoke, "why didn't you tell me..?" He cracked his voice like he was about to break into tears.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't think it would be this bad."

Along the next days, I stayed in his bed and he took care of me. Making me food in the morning, in the afternoon and at night, and every time he would sleep next to me on the floor since he didn't really have anywhere else to sleep and he wanted to make sure I was okay.

After a while, I realized he was uncomfortable since I saw him shuffling and grumbling in his "bed" though it was just two blankets and a pillow.

"Uh- Darryl..?" I looked at him laying on my side.

"Yes?" He sat up, thinking I wanted something.

"Do you want to sleep with me?"

He rapidly blushed and no words came out of his mouth.

"N-not in a weird way, it's just you seem uncomfortable on the ground."

"Uh actually yeah, it is pretty bad. You wouldn't mind? It's a small bed."

"I think we can manage." I shuffled a bit and patted the space, letting him know to sleep there. He laid there and he was a bit closer than I expected. When we woke up the next day, we ended up in a hugging position, with me on top of him.

I was embarrassed of the position we were in and I tried to leave but he wouldn't let me go. "Uh- Darryl.." he woke up and saw that he was holding me tight, he quickly let go and started blushing, kind of like last night.


"It's okay." I chuckled.

I ended up staying there for a while since my house was being renovated and repainted, I hated the smell of paint, or at least that was what I told myself. Over the next weeks together, we ended up just always sleeping together at night and finding ourselves in a hugging position in the morning. Gradually, it became routine.

"Goodnight Zak."


We were pretty close. After I notice him snoring, I decided to look at his face. I wonder to myself,

why am I still here with you?

I mean I'm no longer sick and my house had already finished, but there's something comforting just being with him.

I reach out my hand, I flinch a little, but I reach his face. I stroke it gently, hoping to not wake him. I feel how soft his skin his and I feel some of his puffy messy hair, which feels nice. I move my hand to his lips, touching it quietly.

His lips feel really soft, I stroke my finger against the surface, I mumbled, "I wonder how it feels to kiss him" wait- stop thinking like this Zak. You don't like guys, that's a fact.

I honestly hated this. One of the worst feelings in the world is probably having to question your own sexuality.

Suddenly, I feel his lips against mine. My head says it's wrong but it feels so good, it's like something I've always desired. I start kissing him back and after a bit, he pulls away.

"Woah." I spoke.

"Yeah." He blushes a deep red, "you wondered what it was like to kiss me right?"

"Wait you heard that?"

"Yep." He chuckled.

I pause for a moment, gathering my thoughts, I thought this was it, I may never get this opportunity ever again and so, I asked him, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, you muffin."


a/n: heyo nicole here, sorry for lack of updates! been finding low motivation atm, but I'm working on a second story! Look out for that when it comes! I'll definitely mention it!


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