- together -

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omg the sun looks so pretty ❤️
art by @melanoui on instagram

Prompt: Zak finds Darryl drunk so he brings him home lol

Zak was just walking down the street when he saw a dark figure laying on a bench on the street. It was getting dark and he could barely make out his face. He didn't care much but he did want to make sure he was okay.

"Hey- sir, are you okay?"

"Aaugrgh- i'm uh-" he sounded too familiar, but he couldn't remember, "Fish in a bucket~"

Well- the only person who would say that is.. Darryl. "What the-?"

"Mmmm..? Who are you?"

"The hell." Zak came near Darryl to sniff him slightly, "You stink of alcohol."

"Ouh really?"

"I can't leave you here." Zak looked around wondering what to do.

"Mmm-" Darryl pulled Zak's sweater, resting his head on him like a pillow.

Zak ruffled his hair, "comfy?"


"Hey- wait are you- sleeping..?"


Zak ended up bringing Darryl to his house, since he didn't know where he lived.

"Okay. You sleep on the couch, I'll be in my room." Zak pointed to the couch with two pillows and a small blanket.

"Mmhm." Darryl instantly fell on the couch, falling asleep.

~ later.. ~

Zak had fallen asleep soundly in his room. The door silently opened and Darryl had snuck in. Darryl got into bed with Zak, sneaking under the covers. When he got comfortable, he looked at Zak and slowly, his hand touched his hair.

It was soft, but rough, the way it moved around his hand mesmerized him. He then moved downwards onto his skin, touching his delicate skin which was naturally clean. When he reached his chin, he could feel some light stubble.

Suddenly, Zak grabbed Darryl's hand, "w-what are you doing?"


"....did you just wake up?" Zak rubbed his eyes, since he barely woke up.

"Yeah. I could only sleep for a few hours." Darryl pouted.

"why do you ask..? Do you care about me~?" Darryl teased him.

"Why would you even ask-? you know I do."

"Awwwiee~~ that's so sweet." Darryl hugged Zak. Darryl could smell Zak's scent and he could feel how soft his shirt was against his face.

Zak sighed smiling, "you're such a child, you know that?" Zak gently patted Darryl's back.

"Is that why you always troll me and tease me?" Darryl looked up to Zak.


"Because you see me as a child?"

"What are you even talking about? No."

"It's just like- I wished you saw me more seriously, y'know?" Darryl explained, "like you think all I say is just a joke."

"I don't understa-"

"I like you." Darryl confessed and pulled away from the hug, "I like you so much and I hate it." Darryl looked at him with a slight glimmer in his eyes, like he was determined. One that Zak had never seen.

"You- you like me..?"


"I-" Zak tried to speak.

"No- zip it. I don't wanna hear your rejection right now. Just- can we sleep like this? Please?"  Darryl hugged Zak, and quickly fell asleep. Darryl always found hugging someone made it easier for him to fall asleep.

Little did he know that Zak felt the same way.

a/n: heyooo~! I think this one is quite cute actually. whaddya think?
also sorry I rarely post here, I actually write a lot but end up never posting them since I didn't like how it turned out.

thanks for reading!! 💕

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