Nearthe shore of One Pond sat a nest made of stone. Within the nest was astunning egg that glowed orange with inner life. It shifted slightlyas the creature within the egg began its struggle to life. The areaof One Pond was quiet. Only the sound of wind and insects could beheard.
Theegg shifted again and this time a long crack formed. All at once, itsplit open and a miniature blue plasma kit tumbled out. It glancedaround, trying to take in the world around it. Finding itself at OnePond, it's little face twisted in displeasure. It then promptlykeeled over and died.
Nearthe shore of Three Ponds sat another nest of stone. Within the nestwas another magma laced egg. It shifted once...then again. A crackformed and out tumbled a black plasma kit. The kit glanced down atitself and its face twisted in disgust. It then keeled over and died.
Inanother stone nest at Three Ponds slightly farther away was an eggjust like the other two. It once again cracked open and a plasma kitonce again tumbled out. This time it was opal colored. The kit seemedpleased with its coloring and placement in it threw backits head and began to scream. Moments later a male opal dragon flewin and pulled the kit up into the air by its tail.
AtTwo Ponds two young wyvern pups were curled up together, enjoying thestrong sunlight. A red fire dragon sub-adult lurked in the bushesnear by, creeping closer. It moved slowly, fearing it may be seen orheard. The two pups were out a ways from it in the desert sands whereit would be warmest. The fire dragon knew it would have to be quickif it wanted to kill them. It paused for a few seconds, examining theskies above the two, and then lunged forward.
Oneof the pups raised its head at the fire dragon's approach, but it didnot seem at all concerned. It nuzzled it's sibling affectionately andthen went back to sleep. As the sub-adult lessened the distance fromits prey, the sand below suddenly shook violently. With a roaringshriek that could shatter ear drums, a sandworm exploded from thesand. It scooped up the fire dragon, shook it violently, and draggedit down into the sands. As soon as the echoes faded, one of the pupsblew a huff of smoke in the direction of their guardian.
AtOne Pond, a green fire dragon kit threw itself out of a stone nest,trembling. It seemed that the little one had never been taught to useits heat-seeing abilities. As it calmed itself down the fire dragontrotted into the bushes to hide. Just because it had failed once didnot mean it would fail again...
Astunning blue wyvern flew ahead of an ancient red wyvern. There wasnothing around them but sand. No pond in sight. It was obvious thatthe two had been flying for a long time already and were starting totire. The blue male kept glancing back at his red companion and gaveencouraging calls. The red, however, gave no answers. She slowlyglided down to the sands below and then crashed, moving no more. Theyounger male hovered in the air above for some time until he wascertain she was dead.
Hethen continued on his journey. He flew on and on, the sun set behindhim and darkness descended on the desert. He grew ever more weary,but soon he saw his goal ahead of him; tree tops came into view, justbeyond a small dune. Distantly he could hear the shrill call of awyvern pup. Filled with new energy, the blue wyvern finished the restof his journey to One Pond. Waiting for him was a red wyvern pupbeing chased by a green fire dragon kit.
Theblue male set his body aflame and descended on the two with a earthshaking roar. The fire dragon kit had no time to run before it wasroasted to a crisp. The red pup, however, was unharmed. Trillinghappily, she pranced around the massive wyvern before cuddling close.She did not fear the flames of the other at all and the two laid downto sleep.
AtThree Ponds a purple fire dragon fell out of it's egg...
The Weyr
Short StoryShort stories based on the interactions of my dragon family on Day of Dragons. Shenanigans shall ensue...