Chapter Nine - Welcome Home

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"This reminds me of the Titanic."


I laughed. I was at the very front of the boat heading to Valencia standing on the railing while Daniel held my waist so I wouldn't fall. I giggled and Dani squeezed my waist and shook his head. He was happy that I had agreed to travel back with him to Valencia and I was actually excited. The goodbyes were the hardest part of leaving the islands. People wished me luck and I was debating if this really was the right decision but now I had no doubt in my mind.

"Are we almost there yet?"

Dani laughed.

"It should be on the horizon any moment now. Keep watching."

Sure enough the marvelous Kingdom appeared on the horizon seconds after he said that. It almost took my breath away. I have never been to Valencia and have always been told it was the most beautiful Kingdom in the world but that was wrong. Valencia was even better.

The shipped docked and Dani grabbed my stuff before he walked off with me. I was in a white flowing dress that was high in the front and low in the back. He held out a arm as an escort and I took it. I constantly had to remind myself to behave like a Princess would. Walk straight, talk proper, dress nice, and be kind and polite all the time. People smiled and waved as we walked through town together. Dani had started to tell me about how a Princess would act in Valencia.

"You don't have to be to strict on yourself with the talking and walking in town but at the castle royalty just expect that. You can't wear jeans or t-shirts or even tennis shoes. Dresses and heels are how the Royal women dress. Always dress to impress and tell someone before you go to town or leave Valencia. Other than that you should be good."

I laughed.

"I need a whole new wardrobe then and more shoes."

He smiled and we reached the castle's gates. They were wide open and the doors to the castle were also. I looked at Dani in surprise and he laughed.

"The castle is open to everyone on Sundays. Every other day the gates and doors are closed."

He walked into the castle and all the people bowed. Dani smiled and nodded to them and they went back to their usual mingling. The women whispered about me and men stared at me with mouths open. Dani smiled as he walked me across the room and into the throne room. He handed my bag to a servant and they scurried off with it. I took a deep breath as we walked towards his parents. They stood up and walked down the steps to meet us. They smiled and welcomed me. His father kissed my forehead and his mother grasped me I to a hug.

"It's nice to meet you dear. Dani has missed you terribly."

I smiled.

"Thank you, my Queen."

His father laughed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You can call us by our names Rosalie. You are practically family here."

I smiled and Dani coughed to announce he was there.

"Speaking of family Rosalie's hasn't forgiven her for leaving. We were wondering if she could officially become a member of the Kingdom here. She doesn't have anywhere else to go."

They both smiled and nodded. His father grabbed his scepter and I kneeled down. He touched both my shoulders and pronounced me Princess Rosalie of Valencia. I stood up and his mother grabbed a gold tiara from a glass case behind them. She placed it on my head and smiled with great satisfaction.

"Now Daniel, take Rosalie upstairs and show her where she will be staying. I have also bought you some dresses for all occasions. And I beg of you, please wear your tiara unlike Daniel wears his crown. The royals have been making a fuss over that by the way."

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