Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

                     I M A N I ' S > POV

When Malique dropped me off at the house I didn't say anything to him and just got out the car. I was pissed. Mom tried to talk to me but I wasn't having it, I just kept walking to my room.

I layed on my bed looking at my phone, waiting for a text, a call, anything from him, but nothing. He didn't bother to text me to let me know he got home safe or nothing. Maybe I should call him? No I'm mad at him because he lied and then said that he was with that bitch Keisha.

I haven't even meet Keisha, all I know is that they text back and forth. They work together apparently. I'd rather not even think about it.

I end up not eating anything and taking a shower and going right to sleep.


Waking up to my alarm clock I check my phone. I see a text message from Malique, so he did text me when I went to sleep.

(text message)

Hey mamas, i'm sorry about
yesterday. I know we have to
talk about it. I'm picking you
up so be ready and we can talk
after you get home from school.

(end of text messages)

I honestly did not expect him to text me at all. Or even come and get me and take me to school. Getting up I get dress and put on Maliques hoodie. I never wear his hoodie to school but today I decided to.

Before walking out the door I be sure to wake up my sisters like I always do when I'm home in the morning. I grab my bag and walk out the door and see Malique waiting in the car. I get in the car and don't say anything to him.

"Damn good morning to you to Imani."

"Good morning Que."

"Are you still mad at me for yesterday?" he ask... yes dude seriously? Yes I'm still pissed about last night.

"Yes I'm still pissed, you basically said that you would have rather been with that bitch Keisha knowing I don't fuck with her."

"You don't even have reason not to fuck with her, you don't know her." he defends Keisha

"And I don't want to get to know her either. Her first impression wasn't good. And I don't need to be a rock scientist to know yall use to fuck." I basically scream

"Where the hell did that come from?" he ask

"So it is true?"

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't deny it either."

Malique groans, "what do you want from me."

"Nothing." I say honestly. I don't want anything from him. "But when are we going to talk about this more in debt because I'm about to go into this place that I despise more than you right now and I don't need to have a bad day."

Malique rolls his eyes and just nods his head. Pulling up to the school I don't give Malique a kiss when I leave.

Not hungry I go straight to my regular seat and put my head down. Imagining how the conversation will go with Malique. Someone pulling out a chair across from me pulls me back into reality. Looking up I see Jake looking at me irritated. Ugh, I hope he doesn't expect me to act as if I care.

'What do you want Jake?" I ask him and put my head back down.

"Nothing much. Whose hoodie is that?" he ask and I my head shots up. Why does he care so much.

"It's Maliques."

"Awe, how come you wear his hoodie school? When I gave you mine you didn't wear mine to school."

"I don't know, I don't think much of it. I just threw it on." I shrug


"Look Jake I don't want to talk about it." I say and stand up to walk away.

Jake gets up and follows me to the hallway and grabs my hand to pull me back to him.

"Are you okay?" he ask and I look at him and look down at his hand. He needs to let me go. His eyes go from mine to his hand and he lets go.

"I'm fine Jake, please leave me alone." I say and walk away. I don't want to talk to him.


The end of the day finally comes. Overall my dad was okay. I'm just ready to get this conversation over.

Walking out the school I don't see Malique waiting for me. Checking my phone for a text Jake walks up to me.

"Hey Mani, do you need a ride." I look up from my phone and see Jake desperately wanting to help me. But I really don't need this right now.

"No, I'm okay. Malique is on his way to pick me up." I say with a hint of hope considering that I don't know if he's still coming to get me.

Jake nods and walks away with a hint of sadness in his eyes. My phone goes off and it's a text message from Malique.

(text message)
I'm so sorry mamas but
I can't come get you right
now, working. I'll come
get you at 5 and we'll talk,
(end of text message)

I leave him on read and roll my eyes. If he knew he had to work he should have at least told me this earlier. Getting ready to walk home because I already missed the bus waiting on his dumb ass, Jake pulls up next to me.

"Imani get in the car."

"No, Jake, I'm fine with walking home."

"Seriously, Mani, just get in the car." he says and I stop and I look at him. Knowing that I probably shouldn't get in the car with him but I really don't want to walk that whole way home. I finally decide to get in the car.

The ride was kind of awkward. Nothing was said and I was very uncomfortable. Maybe I should have walked home. Is it to late. Pulling up to the house I realize that It is to late and that I survived a whole car ride with Jake.

"Um, thank you, you didn't have to bring me home." I thank him even though I didn't even want him to bring home but you know... whatever.

"Your welcome, but I really need to talk to you." he says and it reminds me the exact reason I don't associate with him. I been trying to avoid this conversation for the longest even though I don't know what it's about.

"What Jake?"

"You know I still have feelings for you." go figured, I didn't know. "And I know you still have feelings for me." he says and my head snaps to his eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"I know you still have feelings for me Imani, stop playing."

"I don't have feelings with you, I have a whole man." who I am currently pissed at but that's not the point.

"Who's an absolute ass to you. I see it. I mean your happy sure but I be seeing you in school, your never really always happy." I didn't know anyone really paid attention. So he sees the days that when me and Malique argue and I come to school upset. But what does that mean? Nothing because I am happy. Malique makes me happy.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Malique makes me happy, so0o..." I say and Jake rolls his eyes.

"Come on, please Imani, give me one more chance." Jake begs

"No, Jake. I'm happy with the person I'm with." I am interrupted with Jake smashing his lips onto mine. Completely caught off guard. What is wrong with him. Did he not hear me when I said I have a boyfriend. Backing away I slap him across his face and look at him completely disgusted. Looking him in his eyes his mouth grows into a smirk. What is wrong with him! Is this why he wanted to bring me home?

Getting out the car and slamming his door shut I walk into the house, listening to him call me names that just disgust me. Why would he do this.

Now a way to tell Malique, what is he going to do to him...

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