Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I M A N I ' S < P O V

~4 Months later~

In these last 4 months everything has been great. Me and Jasmine's relationship hasn't changed a bit. She knows everything there is to know about me. Devon doesn't speak to me unless he has to. I don't really care though. I don't need Malique killing my bestfriends brother. Speaking of Malique we have never been better. I don't know what's been up with him lately but he's been extra nice to me, not that I'm complaining.

I even got Malique to meet Jasmine in person. Once they met he hasn't really made an effort to talk to her but when they do see each other they say hey and keep it moving. I don't really know what to do about that. Maybe I should just leave it alone because I don't want them super close to where they are together and I'm not there... so yea, defientally leaving it alone.

I ended up getting my ass tatted like I wanted. I came downstairs in shorts one day while I was at my mother's house and she almost had a heart attack. She was disappointed in me and I don't see why it's just a tattoo. It's not like she had to pay for it. She then blamed Malique for my behavior. Ever since me and him got together I haven't known how to act according to my mother. She made it known that she doesn't like Malique and doesn't want me with him but I won't listen. Me and him are still together and going strong. We been together for over a year, there is no breaking up.

Me and Jasmine were going out to a party. I was dressed in some booty shorts that showed off my tattoo and a crop top. Needless to say, I looked good. Along with my bestfriend who looked good as well. The way her brown skin glowed was just amazing.

We went to a club and had a blast. I knew better then to drink and smoke knowing that I was going back to my mother's house. But Jasmine on the other hand was a drunken mess. I called us a uber and told them to wait for me outside while I put Jasmine in her bed.

"Good night Jassy." I say to her when we get to her room and she goes into her bed. "Night bestie boo. I love you." she says to me and I say it back.

The uber drives away when I step into my house. It was only 11:00 so momma shouldn't be too mad.

"Where the hell you been?" momma ask scaring me as I turn on the light. She was standing there in her white robe.

"I was with Jassy." I say and she huffs.

"Well what is this?" she says throwing weed, money and a gun on the couch. Shit she found what Malique told me to hide.

"Where did you find that?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes.

"That's not important. What's important is why this is in my house." she yells at me. "See this is why you should have been broken up with that boy. Is this his stuff?" she ask and I stand there not saying nothing. "I knew it. Look at what he has done to you." she points at me and the way I'm dressed.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I ask her and she sucks her teeth.

"Exactly what I said. I mean look at you."

"What's wrong with the way I look." I snap at her

"Everything!" she yells. "This isn't you Mani. He's changed you. Your walking around here dressing like a hoe, ass all out. Weave in your head, fake nails on your fingers. This isn't you." she says to me tears threatening to come out her eyes. I didn't think anything was wrong with the weave on my head and the fake nails on my fingers. But of course momma always has to have a problem.

"You need to cut it off with that boy. I won't have you in this house if this what your doing." she says pointing at the weed, money and gun that she threw on the couch.

"But momma, I love him." I say and she shakes her head.

"I don't care. If your not gonna follow the rules in this house then you need to go." she says and my mouth drops.

"Where am I gonna go momma?"

"I don't know, but I have 2 other daughters here and I don't want them thinking that it's okay to date a thug. So you have to go and go now." she says and I nod my head. The tears already falling. I grab the gun, money and weed and walk out the house.

I guess this is it. My momma just kicked me out the house. All because I love who I love. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my phone to call Malique.

"Hey mamas. Wassup?" he answers the phone on the 2nd ring.

The tears still falling I can barely speak. "M-m-momma kicked me o-out the house." I stutter.

"Damn mamas, I'm on my way to get you." he says and I hang up the phone. Sitting on the porch waiting for Malique to come get me.


He pulls up within 5 minutes and I get into the car still crying.

"Mamas, it's going to be okay. I got you." he says making me cry harder. I don't know what I'm gonna do without momma. She was everything to me. She got me through some of my toughest times and now she just-... gone.

When we pull up to my new home, Maliques home. I cry harder, how is that even possible. This is really happening. She really kicked me off the house.

Malique helps me out the car and guides me into the car. When I get into the house he tells me to shower and that he would feed me.

"I'm not hungry." I say and he sighs.

"Mamas you have to eat. For me." he says and I nod my head. He smiles and kisses me on my forehead.

I go upstairs to shower and I cry and cry in the shower. When I think I am finally cried out I get out the shower and throw in some pajama shorts, showing off my tattoo that Malique loves. And I throw on a tank top. When I walk downstairs I see Malique pull out a pizza from the over.

He sees me and walks over to me and sits me down at the kitchen table and gives me a plate with 3 pieces of pizza on it. I eat the pizza and we go upstairs. I lay in the bed while Malique showers. Just when I think I couldn't cry no more the tears start falling again.

I don't know what I'm gonna do without my mom. I can't even see my sisters anymore. Now that did something to me. It made me cry 10 times harder. The thought of not seeing my sisters hurt. And I mean bad.

Malique hears me crying and hurries out the shower. He gets in the bed with me and turns me around to face him.

"I promise Imani, I got you." he says and I try and suck up the tears from my face. "I love you so much Imani." he says and I lay my head on his chest and he holds me. He hold me so tight and I feel comfort. The comfort that I once thought that I could only get from my mom I'm getting from Malique. As much as it hurts, my mom kicking me out, I'm glad that Malique is here with me.

*not edited*

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