Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

  I M A N I ' S > POV

I'm so happy to be waking up cramped up on the floor. Riah's foot is plunged into my side and Lisa's hand is basically covering my mouth. I missed this. Why are we so mushed up on the floor like this I have no idea but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Finally getting up and stretching I reach for my phone. I see a text from "DADDY🍆💦👅" ever since we first slept together I changed his named in my phone. He said he liked it so why change it back.

(text messages)


Good morning mamas.

                                    Good morning daddy, what are you doing?

I have to work today.

                                    Awe okay, I want to take my sisters out

Bet, I'll bring over some
money in a minute.

                                    No babe, I have some money.

Naw baby, I got you. Imma
bring you some money for
you and your sisters to have
a good day.

                                    Okay, whatever. See you in a minute.

(end of text messages)

I wake up Lisa and Riah and tell them I'm going to get in the shower and after, they need to get in the shower.

Once I get out the shower I wrap my blue fluffy towel around my body and walk into my room. I didn't expect to see Malique sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"Who let you in?" I ask while walking deeper in the room and letting my hair out the bun it was in and shaking my head so it flows.

"I see you loving that 30 inch." Malique winks at me. A little while ago Malique got me into weave and doing things with my hair. He told me to get 26 inches but I wanted something longer so I got the 30 and it reached my ass, which he loves.

"Yes, I am. Now who let you in." I ask for the second time

"Lisa, she rolled her eyes when she saw me and walked away, what's up with her?" I did not want to tell Malique that Lisa doesn't like him. But I mean, I don't think I have much of a choice now.

"Yea, Lisa doesn't very much like you." I say as I walk over to him sitting on my bed and stand in between his legs. His hands immediately go behind my thighs gripping them.

"Why?" he ask still groping my thighs from the back.

"She thinks you take up all of my time. I'm never home every since me and you started seeing each other."

"Awe." is all he says.

"So you don't care?"

"I mean what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know but you can at least show that you care."

"Mamas, don't start this." he says as he throws himself back onto my bed bring me with him. I reposition my legs so they are beside him and I am straddling him. His hands rubbing my ass making me groan.

"Ugh, baby. We can't do this right now." I say as he brings his mouth to my neck.

"It'll be fast, I promise." he says as he goes down to the top of my breast leaving a big red hickey. Looks like I won't be wearing a V-neck today. My sisters will definitely say something since it wasn't there last night.

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