Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I M A N I ' S > POV

"What are we doing today?" I ask Malique as he puts on a shirt.

"I don't know mamas, I have to work. You can stay here until I get back though."

"Why don't I come with you?" I ask and he looks at like I just grew an arm out of my forehead.

"I'm not taking you to the trap house." he says blankly and continues to put on his shoes.

"But I wanna meet the people you spend most of your time with." I whine.

"No mamas, I'm not taking you around a whole bunch of thirsty ass niggas that would do anything to get in your pants. It's not happening. End of discussion."

"Maliqueee!" I drag out his name in a whine. "I don't want to be in the house all day. Please let me go with you. At least if I'm at the trap house I will not be bored." I say. I don't know why I'm dragging this on. Honestly I don't want to go to that place, I don't want to meet those people that sell drugs or whatever the hell else that goes on there. I just really don't want him to leave me alone.

"You really want to go?" he ask


"Yes." I answer back

"Maybe one day when I'm not working, I'll introduce you to everyone, but really not today. Today is very important." I nod my head kind of glad that he denied my request to go but upset that I'm going to be in the house bored all day.

Since today I actually 'wanted' to go and he denied my request, when he ask me to go I probably will say no since it's on his terms and not mine.

"I love you mamas. I'll try my best to be back as soon as I can. Okay." malique walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead and I nod.

"I love you too."

Malique walk to the door and I follow him ready to shut the door after him.

"Lock this door, don't open it for no one. I mean it." he says and I promise him not to open the door. He pecks me on the lips and walks out. Locking the door like he said, I walk back into the room...

What to do now...


~2 hours later~

It has been 2 hours and I am still by myself. Walking around in nothing but my bra and panites, because, why not. I'm home alone and I can't do anything so why not walk around in my underwear.

This day have been consisted of me watching movies, eating snacks and texting my sisters back and forth. I really need to set up a day to where it's just me and them. I miss my sisters a lot but o feel like the only person to be blamed is me.

It's my fault that we don't spend as much time together. I'm rather ever home and when I am home it's most likely because I'm pissed off at Malique and need somewhere else to go for the moment so I spend that time at home mad at him and not talking to anyone.

I am a horrible big sister. Sighing sitting on the couch continuing to watch my movie I hear the door unlock and walks in a tired looking Malique with... drugs and a gun in his hand.  Omg, is this what I'm going to have to deal with? Him bringing this stuff home?

"Hey baby?" it came out more of a question then a statement

"Hey mamas, can I ask you to do me a favor?" he looks at me with a hint of refussion in his eyes as if he doesn't want to ask me whatever it is he is about to ask me.

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