Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I M A N I ' S < P O V

~3 days later~

I haven't talked to Jasmine in days. Nor have I talked to my sisters. I know I should call them but I can't bring myself to do it. I mean I can but... Ugh, I don't know.

Maybe I should just call Jasmine. Yea, that's what I'm gonna do. Imma call her. I found my phone and called Jasmine. I really missed talking to her everyday. She still doesn't know about me getting kicked out the house but I was going to tell her today.

"Hey stranger." Jasmine says when she answers the phone making me roll my eyes.

"I know I haven't been talking to you much and I sorry. That's what I'm calling about actually. You wanna meet up? Have lunch and talk." i was ready to hear Jasmine say no. I mean I would understand... I haven't talked to her days and all of a sudden I call her.

There was a long pause before she answered. "Yea, definitely. I miss you." she says making me release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Okay, I'll text you the time and place." I say and she says yes and we hang up.

I go upstairs into the bedroom and start getting ready. I hear the door open and clothes and I knew that my man was home.

Done getting ready I walk downstairs and pull Malique into a hug and a kiss.

"You look sexy ma, where you going?" he compliments me

"I'm meeting up with Jas." I say and he nods.

"I have a surprise for you." he says and I look at him coursily. What could he possibly have that's a surprise for me? He already gives me what I want and need. "Follow me." he said taking my hand in his and pulling me outside.

"This is for you mamas." he says pointing to a brand new car. I squeal in excitement and jump in his arms. He catches me and kisses me. His hands gripping my ass to hold me up. I can't believe he got me car.

"Thank you so much baby." I say pulling my lips away from his. "I love you."

"I love you to mamas." he sets me down. "Now come up in this house and show me how much you really love me." he says trying to pull me into the house.

"Babe. I have to go though." I say but he starts kissing my neck, making me reconsider going.

"You sure you gotta go right now?" he ask his lips never leaving my neck.

"Yes baby. I promise i got you when I get back though." he groans and rolls his eyes.

"Yea whatever." he says walking into the house. I follow him in the house and he throws the keys to my new car on the counter and sits on the couch.

"Baby, don't do that." I say straddling his lap. "I promise I got you when I get back, but I really need to talk to Jasmine, and see how my sisters doing." I say and he looks at me. I stick out my bottom lip and he licks his lips, debating on if he'll still let me go. It doesn't matter because I'm going anyways.

"Alright. But Imma be in guts tonight." he says and I smile. Can't wait for him to be in my guts tonight.

I kiss him and get up. He follows me to the door wanting another kiss. I give him what he wants which leads to a full blown make out session. He squeezes my ass making me squeal and realize what were doing.

"Okay okay, I gotta go. I love you." I say running out the house before he can catch me.


When I walk into the restaurant I spot Jasmine on her phone sitting at a table.

"I am so sorry, I'm late." I say and she just laughs and tells me it's okay.

"So wassup?" she ask and I take a deep breath and I tell her everything. By the time I'm done her mouth is dropped and I'm trying so hard not to cry.

"I am so sorry Mani. Why didn't you just tell me?" she ask and I shrug. I don't know why I didn't tell her. I just didn't.

"Well come on." she says gathering up her purse.

"Where are we going?" I ask her getting up from the table.

"Your going to go see your sisters. You have a right to see them." she states and I nod. "I ubered here so you're driving." she says and I laugh. Her mouth drops when she sees my car. "He got you this car?" I nod and smile.


We pull up to the place I use to call my home and notice my momma isn't home. We get out the car and I notice the door is unlocked. Why the hell is the door unlocked. I walk into the house and it's quiet, to quiet. What the hell.

"Lisa, Mariah!" I yell.

Next thing I know Mariah comes running from the other room.

"Sissy!" she yells and runs into me hugging me.

"Hey Riah. Where's Lisa?" I ask.

"She's up stairs. Come on." Riah says grabbing my hand making me go upstairs, Jasmine right on my heels.

"She's in here." Mariah says pointing to my bedroom. I shrug it off as nothing and open the door. Mariah was there sitting on my bed just staring at nothing.

"Lisa?" she looks at me and a gleam of hope shines in her eyes.

"Imani." she runs up to me and hugs me.

"Yes, I'm here. Are you okay?" I ask her and she nods her head and I let out a sigh of relief. I thought there was something wrong. "So what's up? Isn't that door locked?" I ask her and she sighs.

"I left it unlocked just in case you decided to come see us. I know you don't have your key." she says sitting on the bed and I follow her. Jasmine stayed in the doorway watching us.

"Well thanks. But make sure that door is always locked. Anyone could have came running in here." I say and she nods her head.

I ended up staying with Mariah and Lisa a little longer than I probably should have. Jasmine ended up calling a uber home because I wasn't ready to leave. It was 8:00 by the time I left the house. When I walked out the house my mom was walking onto the porch.

"What are you doing here?" she ask me.

"I just came by to check on the girls." I said

"I don't care, don't come back to this house until you break up with that boy." I just sigh and bit my tongue. I don't want to disrespect her because she's still my mother. I understand where she's coming from but I won't break up with him.

I walk to my car refusing to cry. Taking one last look at my mother her jaw dropped when she seen my car.

* has not been edited *

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