Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

                    I M A N I ' S < P O V

~8 months later~

Giving birth to my son had to be the best day of my life. He is the spitting image of Malique. He is a Jr. I feel as if a mans first child should always be a jr. why do I feel like that? I have no idea. Malique Jerman Davis. Jr is now 5months old and Malique... he's here, but he's not really here.

He's still out here in these streets. As he puts it "I have to make this money to support y'all" talking about me and the baby.

I can easily get a job. A legal job and he can get a 9-5 just like everyone else and we will be straight.

Once I gave birth I tried to call my mom to tell her but she changed her number, not a surprise. I also tried to call my sisters but there numbers aren't the same either. I can't believe she really got there numbers changed just so that can't contact me.

I thought about stopping by the house but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it. I would love for my sisters to know there nephew. Maybe once he gets a little bit older I will take him over there.

"Hey hey hey." I hear a female voice coming into the house. I walk into the living room to see no other than my bestfriend coming in with bags. I smile to myself. I am so lucky to have her back in my life.

"What are you doing here Jasmine." I say with a smile on my face as she puts the bags down.

"I'm here to see my beautiful bestie boo." She says as she kisses me on the cheek "and my nephew of course." I roll my eyes knowing that she wasn't over here to see me.

"Well, Jr. has just went to sleep and I'm not waking him up." I say and Jasmine pouts.

"That sucks." She throws her arms down to the side.

"Jasmine!" I hear a male voice yell and my eyes immediately go wide and I look at Jasmine. She knows that Devon isn't suppose to be here.

"Jasmine are you trying to get me killed." I whisper shout and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Kill you please. Malique isn't touching you and you know that boo." she says and then yells back at her brother. "What nigga, over here yelling and shit."

Devon walks in the house and I can't help but to look at him. I mean he is fine as hell but I have a man. A man I love very much at that.

"Hey baby girl." he says smirking at me and I roll my eyes. He's gotta be playing.

"Hey Devon. What are you doing here? You know Malique doesn't like you." I state and he rolls his eyes upward.

"Man fuck that nigga."

"Aye watch your fucking mouth. He is the father of my child who is upstairs."

"Whatever Mani."

"You have to leave before he gets here. Leave, like now." I say and he eyes widen with surprise.

"You really kicking me out?" he ask and I feel bad. I don't wanna kick him out but he needs to leave before Malique gets here. I'm trying to save his life.

"I'm sorry I really am but yes, you have to go."

"You know what, whatever man, fuck you and that nigga bruh forreal." he says walking to the door.

As he was about to open the door Malique walks in.

* not edited *

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