Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

                    I M A N I ' S < P O V

Lisa didn't want to go home but I told her that she couldn't stay with us forever, even though Malique said that he didn't mind. But I knew that he didn't really mean that. He just didn't want to rude because that was my sister. So he would never tell her or me how he really feels but I knew better. I love my sister don't get me wrong but I could never do that to Malique. Put him in the position to where he has to tiptoe around his own house because my sister now lives with us.

So here we are now. In Malique's car pulling up to my mom's house. I'm nervous because I haven't talked to her since the night I came by to check on the girls and she told me not to come back. Will she kick me out again? Tell me I'm not welcomed?

"You ready Lisa?" I turn around and look at her in the backseat and she slumps down even more.

"I don't want to go in there." she says and I notice a silver car I've never seen before.

"Aye Lisa, who car is that?" I ask her and she looks at the car and rolls her eyes.

"That's mom new boyfriend. I thought I didn't like Malique." she says shaking her head. "He doesn't have anything on him."

"What's his name?" I ask Lisa.

"His names Garrett." she says and I just nod my head thinking. "Well, I love you."

"You not going to come in with me?" she ask, sadness in her voice.

"You know I'm not allowed in there." I say and she frowns.

"Please sissy, for me?" she says with puppy dog eyes. I frown and nod my head.

"Fine. I'll walk in with you. But your coming with me." I point at Malique and he rolls his eyes and gets out the car.

"Well hurry up!" he yells and I roll my eyes but me and Lisa get out the car.

We walk up to the house and I cling to Maliques arm. I don't want to be here. There is no reason for me to be in here. I understand that Lisa doesn't want to walk in by herself but then again I don't. She knows that me and mom are not on good terms right now. And I really don't want to deal with momma telling me that I'm not welcomed in her house anymore or how I brung Malique in her house. Let alone do I want to meet her boyfriend.

I am so nervous and I shouldn't be. This is my mother were talking about. I should feel comfortable going to her house but I don't. I guess it doesn't matter anymore because Lisa done opened the door already.

"Sissy." Mariah yells jumping up from the couch and into my arms. I then see my mom gave me a weird look that says, 'why are you here.' then her eyes shift from me to Malique and her eyes fill with pure hatred.

My eyes stay on the white man that is sitting next to my mom. My eyes never leaving his. Who is this man and why is he sitting in the house like it's his. Why did he just now start coming around. After my mom forces me out the house he meets them. My eyes then meet with my mother's again.

Why wasn't I allowed to meet him? How come after I moved out she started bringing him around. Something is definitely not right here. Unless... mom just thought that I wasn't worthy enough to meet her boyfriend. Ouch, now that hurts to even think that.

"Why is he in my house? Why are you here?" she questions me and Malique. "And where the hell you been?" she says looking at Lisa. that's kinda crazy since she hasn't even bothered to call or text to check up on her.

"Who is this?" I ask pointing to the man who Lisa's name said was Garrett. I want to hear from my mother's mouth that this is her boyfriend and she lets him around Lisa and Mariah.

"Don't worry about. You don't live here no more. You have no right to question me about who is in my house." she says and when I tell you that stung. Mannn... so me as her daughter. Her first born, I don't have the right to know who is around my sisters. Yea miss me with that.

"How don't I have a right as your daughter and as their big sister. I should know who you have around them." I say getting angry. "You just got randoms in the house knowing my sisters are always here."

"Hey don't talk to your mother like that." the man whose name I'm guessing is Garrett says making my head snap his way. But before I even get to say something Malique is already on that.

"Aye, don't talk to my girl like that. This ain't got nothing to dp with you or me so keep your mouth shut." Malique says.

"Why are you in my house! You need to leave now."

"Mom, stop. He hasn't done anything to you." I snap at her.

"Hasn't done anything to me?" she says laughing. "He took my oldest daughter away from me. Made me kick you out and everything. He turned you into someone your not. He's an ain't shit ass nigga." my momma yelled making me look at her like she was crazy.

"Mom stop talking shit about him like that." I yell at her.

"He's not gonna do anything but break your heart. Trust I been there." she says and I just look at her and shake my head. I knew I shouldn't have came in here. We should have just made Lisa walk in here alone.

"I'm so done with all this." I say "I love you Lisa and Riah." I hug them. "Tell me everything that goes on in this house for now on. I want a daily call on him and mom and how you guys are doing." I whisper to only them. I don't trust this Garrett guy, and I'm pissed mom has him around the girls.

"Yea, take your thug and get the hell outta my house." she says and I roll my eyes.

"Yea, whatever lady." I say and walk out the house.


When we get back to the house I am livid. This woman is supposed to be my mother yet she dare treat me like shit.

So here I am now passing back and forth in the living room ranting to Malique who is sitting on the couch looking at the tv.

"Baby." he says but I ignore and keep on going with my rant about my mother.

"Mamas!" he yells and I stop right in front of the tv and make eye contact with him. "What." I say with an attitude. I'm not meaning to be a bitch to him it's just that I was in the middle of a rant and he keeps trying to get my attention like I'm not talking.

"Calm down baby. Come here." he says and I huff and run my hands through my freshly done hair and walk over to him and sit on his lap. "Look baby. I know your hurt about you mother but I promise everything will get better. And if it doesn't, your sisters will never leave you." he says trying to make me feel better.

"Now." he says kissing the back of my neck. "Why don't I take some of this stress off of you."

"What do you have in mind?" I ask him knowing exactly what he has on his mind.

"You know. I really wanna bend you over this couch. I wanna have you ride this dick. I wanna have you screaming my name." he says seductively.

"That can be arranged." I tease and next thing I know I am on my back with Malique on top of me kissing my neck down to my boobs down to my stomach and lower and lower he goes.

"You not gonna be able to walk straight tomorrow baby." he says.


* not edited *

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