#1: Car Ride

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"Next time I'm driving!"

"What is wrong with my driving?"

"You want me to write the list out?"

"Shut up."

"Oh my god both of you stop bickering...jesus you'd think you were a married couple, not brothers." Yoongi groaned.

I laughed, pulling my legs up into my seat and leaning against the door. I hated long car rides but the laughter was making me feel much better. I tilted my head and looked over to Namjoon who was gripping the steering wheel so hard I thought he would pull it from its place.

"Jin, you need to leave Namjoon alone." I laughed turning to face my appalled brother. "He's driving just fine."

Just as I finished my sentence, he stomped on the break avoiding crashing into the car in front of us. We all jerked forward, and when we all sat back Jin scoffed. "I will never get in a vehicle again with him driving."

"I'm sorry, they stopped suddenly!" Namjoon defended himself.

"Baby you just ignore Jin hyung, I think your driving is great." Yoongi said, leaning forward and rubbing on Namjooon's shoulders from behind his seat.

"Thank you, baby." Namjoon smiled through the rear veiw mirror.

"I hope you know he is only saying that because you let him fuck you. He is lying." Jin said with a sharp tongue.

"Jin!" I scolded turning around to face him better.


"Leave our litte brother alone!" I laughed.

"I don't want to die!"

"Go to sleep, like Hoseok." I pointed, referring to the man sleeping all the way in the back. "He doesn't look stressed at all."

"He doesn't know the danger he's in." He replied narrowing his eyes at me.

Yoongi, myself, and even Namjoon laughed, making Jin grin as well and lean back in his seat.

"How does he sleep so hard?" Yoongi asked. "I've been best friends with him for years and I wish I could sleep like that."

"It's a bitch getting him up." Jin said. "He's lucky he's so fucking sexy or I would have left his ass by now exhausted trying to wake him up for work."

I laughed and turned to face front again. "You will never leave Hobi and you know it." I teased.

"Not the point."

I chuckled again letting out a sigh. I loved these boys. Jin and Namjoon, though currently bickering, were best friends. They have been close since we were kids. Unfortunately, Namjoon didn't really get to know our mother. She died about 2 years after he was born from ovarian cancer.

Our father raised us, and since my brothers had each other, I had my dad.

He was the most important person to me. He was the person I would run to with a broken heart, he was the one I asked advice from, and he was the one I wanted to tell my day about. He supported me in all my endeavors and I know that not everyone can say that about their parents. He was supportive of anything Jin or Namjoon wanted to do, and was always there when we needed him. He is the best man I have ever known and I love him with all my heart. I was very sad when it got to the point he could no longer travel. He always loved our family reunions, and has been unable to attend the last few.

That's where we were on our way to. Our annual family reunion.

For the record, none of us liked going. Not even when we were little. But we promised our father that we would go every year even if he couldn't.

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