#22: Finale

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3 Years Later

With a heavy breath he climbed over me. Lust and need running through both of our veins we craved the touch of one another. It had always been like this. The drive, the love, the sex always heavy and always good. I never stopped loving Jimin. Nor will I ever stop loving him.

No matter how many times he has been between my legs, or kissed my lips, or touched my skin, it always feels the way it did the first time. Exciting, electrifying, hot, sweaty. The pleasure burning through my body, sensual and gentle he took me with a force that drove him.

I was crazy for this man.

Crazy in love for my husband.

"Ah!" I cried out as he thrusted into me. Our bodies sweaty, I had one leg open, the other wrapped around his waist as he held it there. His hips moved as if he was dancing, and I danced with him.

With his right arm holding my leg firmly around him, his other arm was wraped under my shoulder, holding me tightly. His mouth was eager against mine, his tongue swiping into my mouth teasing my own. With one particularly hard thrust, our lips parted and my mouth hung open in pleasure.

I gasped between each snap of his hips; holding on to him with all my strengths wanting him deeper, harder, faster as he moved. I never had to ask for what I wanted. He ready my body, my expression, and listened to my moans adjusting accordingly.

He slowed down the motion of his thrusts but gave more force in place of speed. Breathy moans escaped my lips, and I felt my body start to quiver in pleasure. "Oh fuck...Jimin you feel so good."

"You too baby." He grunted. "You are so fucking wet."

"For you." I gasped. "All for you."

He leaned up, dropping my leg. He took hold of the tops of my hips rolling his body into me harder and harder as he went. "Fuck, I love you." He grunted. His eyes rolled before his could focus again. "I want you to cum." He said.

As he spoke I felt the pull in my stomach, a twist of the knot that I always had inside of me. The knot that would tighten with any look, touch or kiss that Jimin gave me.

The knot inside my stomach that was so close to snapping I could hardly hand it. I felt his thrusts in my lips, my fingers and even my nipples. So sensitive to him, so alive with love and want he got me to orgasm easily every time I was with him.

"Cum!" He growled in a commanding voice, snapping the knot loose. My thighs shook, my grip on his bicep tightened, and my head was thrown backwards as my back arched.

I felt my entire body throb around him, tightening around his cock pulling an orgasm from him. I felt him fill me, throbbing as he continued to grind against me and rub against my wet and sensitive walls.

We both sang our pleasure in loud moans and groans. The fire inside me was a white flash of rolling heat from the core between my legs through my chest and limbs. I held on to him as tightly as I could, until I felt him fully inside of me, still and panting, looking down at me. Placing a hand on my face, I moved my hands down his arms and back up again, loving the feeling of his skin on my palms. His fingers ran through my hair and then back down my face, his thumb tracing over my lower lip.

"You bite your lip so hard baby." He grinned, sexily and arrogantly. "Was it that good?" He lowered his face to mine again, not moving his hand from my face. His lips ghosted over mine, before another smirk lifted his lips. "Did you cum hard for me baby?"

I let his thumb slip slightly into my mouth, swirling my tongue over it. "Like you wouldn't believe."

He laughed. "Oh, I believe it baby." He connected our lips, kissing me softly. "Your pussy is so sweet you know; my cock can't help but to give it to you the way you want it."

"The way I need it."

"The way you deserve it."

"Who says there is no sex after marriage?" I asked him.

"Fools, who forget their roll is to please their woman before anything else, the way they deserve." He breathed, kissing me again, his tongue rolling over mine, and teasing my lower lip. He nipped at it before he disconnected again, but kept close, our body heat radiating off each other.

"Mmm and you never fail to please." I smirked. "And with an impressive recovery."

We both laughed and he pulled out of me before plopping down next to me curling his arms around my body. He pulled me into him, kissing me again before he spoke. "You drive me crazy woman, always have. I think about you and my body reacts the way it does. Besides, I have to have that kind of recovery to satisfy my wife. Especially as of late, you have been extra needy, insatiable even. Not that I'm complaining."

"It's the hormones." I defended, suddenly filled with adrenaline. I needed to choose my words carefully. "They say pregnancies will do that to a woman's body. They fuck with all the hormones and make us needy and insatiable. So it's not my fault, Jiminie. It biological."

He nodded. "Well I am happy to satisfy your body for whatever the reason." He smiled and kissed, my his lips moving across mine for n-teeth time that night, before they stopped suddenly. He pulled back, looking my face over with his eye brows together, tilting his head cutely. "Pregnancies?"

"Yeah." I giggled. "They mess with hormones, and one of the side affects is a spike in the libido. I'll admit I'm not complaining either. I'm lucky to have a man so willing to please me at any drop of a dime."

Both his eye brows raised, his eyes wide, and a very slow smile spread across his face, showing his blinding charm. "Always willing to please." He said before chewing his bottom lip and looking me deep in the eye. "You're pregnant?"

I smiled. "I am."

He was still, but his smile was still there. Swallowing hard he looked down to my stomach. He lifted his hand and placed it on my stomach, his fingertips tracing soft circles around my naval outward. He focused on that motion for a long moment, trying to fight off his very obvious smile but failing. He then looked up at me.

"How do you know?"

I placed my hand on top of his stopping his movement. "I took a test the other day." I replied. "But I have an appointment with a doctor in a few days to be sure."

"How sure are you that its not a false positive?"

"Well, I have yet to have my period. I should have had it over 10 days ago."

"Can I go with you to your appointment?" He asked. He moved his hand from my stomach to behind my back pulling me closer to him, making me rest my head on his arm so he could wrap both of his around me.

"I hoped you would want to come with me." I said kissing his neck. "If I'm pregnant, we will be able to get a picture of the little bean."

His hand moved from my back to my face, cupping my cheek as he leaned down pulling my forehead to rest against his. "I hope it's a girl." He whispered. I felt such a bloom of love from his words, tears fell from happiness. I lifted my hand, carding my fingers through is hair. I couldn't get close enough to him. Even with his arms tightly wrapped around me, his forehead against mine, and his legs intertwined with mine I wanted to be closer.

The love I had for him was overwhelming, but welcome.

My life really was complete. No matter what the ups and downs would be I would always have Jimin and I was confident in that. I would be there through his ups and downs, and I knew that he had every confidence in that as well.

The fact that he is so happy with a baby just solidified even more the faith I had in our love and loyalty to each other. He didn't run, he didn't get nervous. He embraced it, and held me with love and kisses a father would give to the mother of his children.

I had no doubts in us.

The feeling of being complete is a refreshing, enlightening feeling. I will go through my best and worst days with him, share in all my triumphs and celebrate all of his.

Now, we will raise a child together.

I'll always love him.


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