#20: "Do You Have A Ring?"

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It had been a few months since my dad had passed. Jimin was moved in, and the business my dad left us all was flourishing. I had more of a solidified role as a project manager and Jimin had a full team working with him. He managed the tech department as well has overlooked all the information that went through the website. The company had grown 3 new offices, and thank the lord we had competent employees to take the major roles so that we didn't have to.

Everyone in our little family group seemed to be happy. Our careers and social life seemed to make everyone happy and life in general was just going amazing.

Especially between Namjoon and Jimin.

They actually hung out.



Without anyone else.

And enjoyed themselves.

I'm not really sure what happened between the two of them but the fact that they were friends was an absolute miracle that I would not question. It was fun being around them both, and Yoongi just ate up their interactions. Bickering like an old couple, cuddling like a new couple, making food for each other, throwing candy at each other.

You'd think there was something going on behind our backs. But Jimin wasn't gay and Namjoon was.

It was all in good fun and it was amazing to feel like a family, Jimin included.

"You know the reunion is in a few months." Namjoon said. "Two maybe?"

"Already?" Jin groaned hiding his face in Hoseok's lap making him laugh. "I don't wanna." He mumbled.

"Yeah, haven't we seen enough of those people this year?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Jin agreed sitting straight again. "And it's my year to coordinate the over night arrangements."

"We have to go." I said, sighing with a smile. Jimin laughed and leaned his head in my lap looking up at me. "And you aren't getting out of it either." I said running my fingers through his silky hair.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He laughed.

Jin stood and pulled Hobi to the front door mumbling his distaste of the idea of going to another reunion but I knew that he knew we had to go. With it being the first one since our father's passing, he knew it would be in poor character to not go.

"Okay I guess that means it's time for us to bounce." Yoongi said, standing up. Namoon standing up after him.

"Actually, hyung?"

Both of them turned to look at Jimin who sat up. "Yeah?" Namjoon asked.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." He smiled, walk us out.

"You're going to leave me here by myself?" I pouted making Jimin laugh and lean down to kiss it away.

"I'll be back baby, don't worry."

I huffed and laid back on the couch. I wanted to take a nap anyway.

Jimin POV

I waited until we got all the way outside and the door was closed before I started to explain. I was shaking. I was so nervous to ask what I was about to ask but I was also excited. I couldn't wait to say the words.

"What's goin' on Jiminie?" Yoongi asked leaning against the car. Namjoon stood next to him crossing his arms and looking at me.

I took a deep breath, letting it out through my lips before I squared my shoulders and looked at Namjoon.

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