#21: Family Reunion

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"You all will regret making me come back to this place."

"Jin, stop." I laughed. "It's only three days."

"Last year it was a week." Namjoon replied. "Thank god Uncle Lee took over this year. I don't know if I could handle anther week with all of those people."

Jimin giggled running his hand through my hair. "Do you think Minah will be surprised to see me?"

"Probably." Tae said from behind us. "But I heard from Jaebum that she is dating that Beakhyun guy."

"Maybe she'll be less of a bitch." Jungkook mumbled through a snack he has been eating the entire way to the hotel.

"Let's hope so." Jin replied. "I think we are here." He said, pulling into a parking structure.

"Thank god." Jungkook mumbled again. "I have to pee."

"You have been shoveling food and banana milk down your throat for three hours, I'm surprised your blatter hasn't exploded yet."

"Shut up, tell me you love me, then kiss me." He mumbled again taking his last bite.

Tae laughed doing exactly that while Jimin giggled next to me. "I'm so tired." I said snuggling into Jimin more. "We don't have to do anything tonight do we?"

"No. The brunch is in the morning and then the cook out. The dinner is the day after and then the following day is a fun day to anyone who wants to day."

"Jin you booked us four days and three nights?"

"I did." He said. "You and Jimin have a joining room with Taehyung and Kook."

"Yay!" Tae cheered. "Like last year!"

"Only this time Jimin won't have to sneak out of our room and into Noonas." Jungkook teased making me laugh.

"That's true." I laughed.

Jimin and I lugged our bags up to the front desk, the rest of them following along. Once we got to our room, Jungkook burst through the conjoining door wiggling his eye brows. "This is going to be so much fun. How many times do you think I can cock block Jimin before he tries to strangle me?"

Jimin leaned up to say something but I beat him to it. "Kookie, dear, if you cock block him that means you're cock blocking me. And if you cock block me, I cock block you...forever."

His eyes went wide and he went back through the conjoining door, locking it behind him. Jimin laughed pulling me down to lay with him again, then making me turn on my side.

"You, are a fucking savage."

"That I am." I laughed.

He kissed me, his lips moving slow. This was my favorite way for him to kiss me. Slow, no hurry, passionately. His kissing always made my head spin and my heart nearly flutter right out of my chest.

I loved him so much.

"I love you." I whispered against his lips. I smiled to him and he nuzzled his nose into my neck.

"I love you, Noona."

The next day was actually a lot of fun. The brunch was casual, and you could come and go as you please throughout a 3-hour window. Jimin and I got ther early then spent the rest of the morning out on the beach getting some sun.

In the afternoon, Jin insisted we go and get mani/pedis, and I decided to go with a classic white French tip with my toes to match. I wore a dark pair of shorts and a white lace tank top with a maroon sleeveless cardigan. Jimin was wearing jeans, and a teal button up open over a white shirt. We participated in all the games, this time partnering in corn-hole winning anyone who dared to challenge us. Through laughs and good company, we enjoyed our time at this reunion event; much unlike the times before.

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