#6: Aunt Mae

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Uncle Lee, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, myself, my brother's, and their boyfriends thankfully sat together, taking up an entire table to ourselves. Though at the beginning of lunch I was distracted by thoughts of my father, within a few minutes I was able to focus on the company I was sitting with.

I found out that Jimin has actually been living with Taehyung and Uncle Lee for a few years. He graduated with honors, and though his degree is in Medical Engineering, he worked for my uncle instead. I'm sure there is more behind the story of why, but I didn't want to pry if he didn't want to talk about it. When Taehyung made a comment about his father being an ass, Jimin got quiet and chugged the rest of his drink.

After the lunch we went our own ways. Yoongi and I actually went shopping, and I found a dress for this evenings dinner. Dresses were the only new pieces of clothing I could really buy lately because shorts, pants, and jeans were so expensive. They wouldn't fit me long enough and it was just a waste of money. The dress I bought was a bright cherry red. The part for the torso was tight and where my hips were the fabric was loose and wavy. It went down a little past my mid-thigh, which was a perfect length for a family event. The top part of it was a halter top, and the best part was it had built in underwire where the breast part was, with just enough padding where I didn't need to wear a bra. Which was ideal, since the back was open all the way to my waistline.

I had never really warn a dress like this before, so it felt good to look in the mirror and actually like what I was seeing.

It's a new thing for me.

Yoongi insisted that he looked better in red than I did, so he purchased a new button up dress shirt and black slacks for the dinner.

I'm not sure who looked better, but we were both looking great.

I went into my bag and found the pair of shoes I was looking for. They were a semi short heal, thick, and they strapped all the way up my foot and then about 3 inches up my ankle. They were my favorite.

Once I was ready, I put on the necklace that my dad gave me, the earrings Namjoon gave me for my birthday that matched, and the bracelet Jin gave me for my birthday that also matched. It was symbolic in a way. They were the most important men in my life, and the pieces of jewelry where small and simple. The necklace was a circle no bigger than the size of my pinky nail, and the chain thin. It is in the shape of a circle, with a very small design of a star, all in very small cut diamonds. The earrings Namjoon got me were the same shape just much smaller the materials the same. The bracelet Jin got me, that the same size pendant at the earrings, but there were three of them. It was not a loose bracelet thankfully, so the pendant was noticeable.

I loved them.

They were my most prized possessions when it came to material things. I curled my hair in beach waves, and put on some make up to make my eyes pop. I looked in the full-length mirror one last time, actually excited to go out like this. I felt confident, a feeling I was getting more of just not quite used to.

"Noona!" I heard Namjoon yell. "This is one of the fancy dinners, right?"

"Kim Namjoon what have I told you about yelling up the stairs?"


I scoffed. "Yes. This is one of the fancy dinners, you need to be dressed nicely unless you want Aunt Mae to make an example out of you."

I heard him mock a gagging noise making me laugh. I walked back into my bedroom, and checked my phone. I had a text message from a few of my typical hook ups, so I figured I'd send them a pic. I tried to get a good angle through the mirror, showing off a little thigh, but not too much, as well as just enough cleavage. Satisfied with one that I got, I sent it off and sat back down on the bed.

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