#17: Birthday Party

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It had been around two months since we visited my dad, and Jimin and I were officially dating. It was very cute the way he asked me because on our way home from our visit that day, we stopped to get ice cream on our way back to my house and he asked 'what do I order for my girlfriend?'

It took me by surprise at first but then I gave him my order. He smiled wide and when we got home he asked me to give him a chance. I happily obliged.

Two months later I couldn't be happier.

Namjoon is starting to warm up to him, but that takes time. Since he is working with him, it's getting harder for Namjoon to dislike Jimin. Jimin has been very successful with their website. He had it up and running, updates it constantly, and it is easily navigated. We have even seen more revenue since Jimin has taken over, and the revenue has paid for Jimin's salary. Even given him bonuses.

Jimin was patient. He knew how protective Namjoon was over his older sister, and respected the relationship we had. He never pushed Namjoon, never said anything about his protective side comments or rude behavior Namjoon would still display in our personal lives. I would scold him but Jimin reminded me that Namjoon needed to accept our relationship on his own time. 'It's still new.' He would tell me. Let him see how good I am to you on his own time.

"Noona, what do you want for your birthday this year?" Namjoon asked me one day at our family dinner.

I laughed. "Nothing." I said, making Jin roll his eyes. "Seriously, I don't want or need anything."

"What about a trip?"


"Yeah." Namjoon shrugged. "Trip for two, a long weekend somewhere. Maybe Germany? You always used to talk about wanting to travel."

"Trip for two, huh?" I asked, seeing the annoyance on his face. "Who would go with me?"

"I figure your boyfriend would." He mumbled making Jin laugh.

"You would want me to go on a short vacation with the boyfriend you don't like and pay for it?"

"I don't not like him." He defended. "I'm just still getting use to him."

Jin scoffed. "You are ridiculous. That boy has helped us out so much and I told you that he would be worth giving a try. Can you just at least admit that you like him?"

"I said I didn't not like him. Not that I liked him."

Both Jin and I rolled our eyes. "He's good to Noona." Jin retaliated. "That's all that matters to me."

"Thank you Jin." I smiled.

He gave me a smile back. "I'm serious. I have never seen you so happy. He treats you like a damn queen and god damn do you deserve it. Namjoon is just being stubbornly protective and won't give him a chance to be a friend."

"Hey!" He defended, but Jin didn't let him.

"Don't you 'hey' me. You know I'm right. If you actually got to know Jimin you would like him, I know you would. And you would be happy for Noona."

"I am happy for Noona."


"Alright, that's enough." I said, stopping them from arguing further about this. "Namjoon will get there on his own time." I said to Jin then turned to Joon. "But don't take long just to be stubborn. I really, really like him."

He rolled his eyes.

Just then Jin got a text message and a wide smile. "Alright. We are having cake, ice cream and opening presents at Tae's new place." He looked up with a smile. "We can walk, but I have to go get my present from my car."

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