#12: Anything But Subtle

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I woke up to kisses on my neck, soft and delicate, it felt goosebumps scatter across my body.

"Mmmm." I heard him hum. "Noona, are you away now?"

"If I say yes, are you going to stop kissing me?"

"Of course not." He smiled against me. He continued his kissing, moving from my neck to my chest. There was no lust behind his kisses, but I liked that. I liked the intimacy. Finally he moved his lips from my body, resting back into his side and I turned to face him. "Do you want me to keep kissing you? Because I will." He gave me a blinding smile, making my heart race.

"I would love more kisses, but I understand you cant kiss me all day every day."

"That sounds like a challenge." He wound his arm around my wait pulling me into him. He went to start kissing me again, but I stopped him placing one kiss on his lips.

"As much as I would love to have your lips all over me, I think it would be a great time for us to talk a little bit. Unless you don't want to do that." I felt a little werid. That is such a 'girl' thing to say. He was just a fuck buddy for the trip, not my boyfriend. Did I really expect him to sit here and talk? I was about to take back what I said, but I was stopped.

He smiled again, bringing his hand over my head and running his fingers through my hair. "I would really enjoy that."

I laughed. "I'm sorry, really? I shouldn't have asked for that."

"Why not?" He asked, tracing his fingertip over my cheekbone. "I would really like to get to know you better."

I smiled not sure whether or not I believed him. "Why?"

"Because I want to." He said, as if it was simple and uncomplicated.

"What would you want to know?"

He thought for a moment, searching my eyes as he smiled. "Namjoon doesn't like me does he?"

I wasn't expecting that. His face was neutral, and his fingertip continued to trace over my cheek and I let out a small exhale. "I don't think he doesn't like you, I think he doesn't like the idea of me being used."

"He think's I am using you?"

"Probably." I replied. "But he's like an over protective big...little brother. Our mom passed not long after he was born, so my dad raised us for the most part. There is only a 4 year age gap between us, but when you're 11, 12, 13 years old, it's a bigger gap than you'd think. He's kind of like my baby. I was the first one he came out to."

"It's really cool that you guys are so close." He smiled. "I used to be close to my younger brother, but he kind of does his own thing now. Taehyung is more like a brother than he is to be honest." His voice was sad

"I think family are the people who you chose to have in your life, not the ones that you are obligated to. I love my brothers, and I love my dad. But I for sure think Hobi and Yoongi are part of my family."

"What about Tae."

"Distant family."

He laughed. "So you were the one taking are of your father before he started living in the facility?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"That must have been hard." He said, now cupping my cheek and rubbing his thumb.

"It was." I said, looking down at his lips instead of his eyes. "That's when I started eating differently. A lot of people think it didn't start losing my weight until after my dad was in the facility, but it was actually when I was taking care of him. I cooked for him more and I wanted to be sure that he was eating healthy, so I was too. I lost enough to where it was getting noticeable and he was still with us at that time. But it was shortly after that when he took a turn for the worst and Namjoon and Jin basically made an executive decision to call the facility."

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