Getting too know leaf

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Last part: (just in case you forgot)

"O-oh I'm Leaf"


This part:

You notice she was embarrassed and you act extremely kind to her. You said with a gentle voice, "Hello Leaf, Nice to meet you. Quick question what are these creatures?"

Leaf chuckles and says "Oh these are Pokémon they are......" you guys continued talking for a while about all the cool adventures you two have had. Eventually you asked

"What are the names of the Pokémon you have right now"

Leaf said "Oh the one that looks like a dragon is Charizard, the one with the plant on his back is called Ivysaur, and I the one that sprayed you with water is squirtle"

'Fitting name' you thought

"Well it was nice to meet you Leaf but I gotta go." You said

"Oh, okay bye Y/N!" Said Leaf

You hurried away as you forgot your workout schedule.

Leaf really had nothing planned so she just went to get another snack for her and her Pokémon in the kitchen. As soon as leaf was alone squirtle began talking to her. (Imagine that if your bond is strong enough with a Pokémon you can understand it).

Squirtle: "Squirt Squirt Squirt Squirtle" (So since when did you get a boyfriend)

Leafs face went blood red and she yelled "He's not my boyfriend!" She immediately stopped talking when she heard incineroar dying of laughter. She growled at Squirtle and refused to give him a treat.

Back to Y/N.

'Well I didn't get much running done so hopefully I can at least get something done in weight lifting. As soon as you entered the room a gruff voice filled the air. "Well if it isn't my favourite cook!"

(A/N I'm from Canada so I write favourite like this instead of favorite  but you understand right)

You saw snake walk up to you and give you a hard slap on the back. "So since when were you making plays with Leaf" he said with a grin

"We were just talking... and how did you know I was talking to leaf in the first place?" You asked


Snake was crawling through the vents. He had been doing that for the past couple of days. It became a hobby of his and helped clear his head. Plus it didn't hurt that he sometimes happens to be at the right place at the right time to see some action. Today he was crawling through the vents when he saw you and Leaf laughing with each other and immediately spread news.

End of flashback

Snake explained the circumstances but then added "Oh by the way I told everybody"

You didn't know how too respond. You knew he was didn't mean it in a malicious way but you were slightly pissed. You were about too ask him what he said when a someone said

"Don't worry Y/N no one takes what he says seriously anymore"

You turned around to see a girl with long blue hair followed by a guy with short blue hair. You immediately awed at her beauty. You mentally slapped yourself for having a crush on every girl you have seen so far.

You tried to act kind and said "Thanks for telling me. By the way what's your name I haven't met you yet."

"Oh it's Lucina and this is Marth"

Marth just nodded his head and began lifting weights. After a few moments of awkward silence you joined Marth in lifting weights. You found out that he is actually a pretty chill guy but a bit in the boring side.

You noticed Lucina staring at you and you asked "What's wrong?" Her face flashed pink for a second before returning to normal and saying "I was sizing out the competition, you don't look that special. What's your ability" she asked too which you replied "I'll tell you if you guess it" you said and for the next 10 minutes Lucina kept guessing.

        Eventually you began talking about your life. You told her about all the journeys you went on with your old partner Lena.


This is the basic plot of your game.

The villain has finally found a mysterious artifact that can awaken powers within people. He awakened these powers in all of his supporters and went on to try and take over the world. No army was able to stop him. There was a prophecy that states "That one born of high blood and one born from low with awaken great powers from within and only together can they slay the villain".

You were the one born from the low and was gifted with the ability to stop time. The other was Princess Lena who was gifted with teleportation. You guys became close friends and fulfilled the prophecy. But unfortunately King Jack (Lenas father) wouldn't allow you too see Lena again so you haven't seen her in years. You were both teens at the time.

End of backstory

Lucina was very interested in your story and asked tons of questions and to her own embarrassment was jealous of how highly you spoke of Lena.

She quickly left without even saying goodbye. Simultaneously both Snake and Marth said "Why are woman so confusing"

"Tell me about it" you replied.

"Why are you confused you seem to got it all under control" snake said

"What do you mean?" You asked

Snake pulled out a notebook out of nowhere and wrote down 'act innocent'.

(Important A/N)

I was wondering about adding Lena too the story. The character will pretty much be tracer as the name suggests. Please comment your choice as personally I'd like to add her.


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