Chapter Fifteen

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*This story may contain mature content at any point - reader discretion advised*


I gaped at him, trying to decide if I'd heard him correctly. "You... you can't..." I couldn't even repeat the words he just said to me. My chest tightened and I felt short of breath. Tears welled in my eyes as I choked back tears. 

There it was. There was the hurt I'd been trying to avoid my whole life. I knew that falling in love would end in heartbreak, and I foolishly ignored every warning because it felt good to be loved. God, had it felt good. Every moment we'd spent together, every morning waking up in his arms, feeling his gently calloused fingers brush my skin with pure tenderness... his lips on mine, my fingers running deep through his curly hair... my heart had been at peace for the first time in my life. I'd finally been able to trust someone with my heart. 

I should have left when I had the chance.

"Um, yeah." I wiped my eyes, angry at myself that I was crying. "I understand. The people need to come before us." 

He finally sat up and looked at me. I turned away. I couldn't bear to look into those eyes, the ones that had bore into my very soul. "Bridget, I'm so sorry-" he began.

I held up a hand and cut him off. "It's... okay. Don't apologize." I stood, trying to gather every ounce of dignity I had left. "Thanks for everything."

"We can still be together." He said. "I can marry Aphrodite-"

"And make me your mistress?" I whispered, refusing to look at him, my hands balling into fists. I faced the house, where I noticed Hermes standing by the door. He had obviously heard everything because looked crushed, unspoken apologies right on the tip of his tongue. "I'd rather be human again than be your secret." I choked down a sob.

"Please, don't." he pleaded. "Don't end it like this. I love you, Bridget." His voice was hoarse and short, as if he were trying his damnedest not to cry. He reached for my hand, but I moved before he touched me. I took a single moment to decide what I was going to do. 

"Not enough, though, clearly." Before I completely lost it in front of him, I walked away from my heart and my life. He didn't follow me. As I passed Hermes, he said nothing out loud, but I could hear him. 

I'm sorry.

It's okay. It's for the best. I'm gonna go find somewhere I truly belong. It's clear I wasn't made to rely on anyone else.


I couldn't bare to talk to anyone right now. I walked through the back door, where my suitcase was still waiting for me. I picked it up and headed for the front door. This time, there would be no one to stop me.



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