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                         Jelly's POV

Me and Josh had been dating for months now and I moved out of my home and moved to Josh's house and Crystal would move into my home and it was great living with him and being with him all my life but... He was actually kinda stress because of his channel and I wanna comfort him but he refuse and everyday I was trying to comfort him he would get even more stress out than usual and one day...

"Josh, I made you coffee.." I said

"Not now Jelly..." he said rubbing his forehead stressed

"You sure? You seem a little stress...." I said kinda worried

"Yes, I'm sure ugh...." he said

"O-ok but-" he would cut me off

"I said not now Jelly! Stop trying to distract me! Can't you see I'm busy with my channel!?" he said shouting and yelling at me

"Your always busy! Can't you just take a break! You've been always busy with your channel, why not hangout with me!" I said angry, Josh would smash his hand down on his desk and turned around

                          Josh's POV

Me and Jelly are arguing and I was so stressed that I couldn't take it anymore so I had no choice...

"Maybe I could take a break! A break from you!" I said and Jelly was shock of what I said

"W-what do you m-mean....?" he asked

"I'm.... breaking up with you...." I said and Jelly's tears would role down his cheeks "Pack you stuff...." Jelly would ran out of my office crying 'I can't believe I'm doing this....' I thought to myself. As he was about to leave.. He said his last words to me..

"I will always love you...." he said as he would leave

I would close the door and go to my office crying "What have I done!?" I said...

Do You Even Love Me Now? (Episode 2)Where stories live. Discover now