~(Does He Love You?)~

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                       Jelly Nub (Jelle)
                                            Hey Crainer....-

-Hey Jelly, what's

                                          C-can I move in-
                                              w-with you...?

-Why? Didn't you
Moved in with Josh?


-But what?

                                   H-he... he broke up-
               With me and kicked me out.....


                   He... h-he said he w-wanted-
                To take a B-break from me......

-Does he love you still?

                                    I.... I don't know.....-

-You can move in with
Me then...

                                   T-thanks Crainer....-

I got on a taxi to Crainer's house and arrived at his house, I would knock on the door and Crainer would open it, I would come in.

"So... Why did Josh break up with you?" Crainer said

"He was so stress and I wanted to comfort him but he refuses and then we had an argument and then he broke up with me...." I said and Crainer would sit next to me so he can comfort me

"Don't worry, everything is gonna be alright Jelly" Crainer said, I would hug him and he would hug me back

"T-thanks...." I said wiping my tears while I hug him

"No problem Jelly..." Crainer said

                         Jordi's POV

I was kinda worried about Jelly and Josh since I haven't heard any news about them but I hope they are OK..

"Jordi!" Crystal yelled and sounded like there was an emergency

"What is it?" I asked and Crystal looked a bit upset

"I got news from Jelly and Josh that...."

"That what!?" I said worried, Crystal would take a deep breath

"T-they broke up....." She said and I was shocked like what the f*

"What!? Why did they broke up!?" I asked as I was so worried

"I don't know but all I know is they broke up...." Crystal said

"Maybe you could text their new friend what's his name" I said

"Yea good idea" Crystal said and she would took out her phone


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