~(Official And Proposal)~

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Crystal, Jordi, Sanna and Crainer are almost done with their mission to get Jelly and Josh back together, now they are gonna see if their plan worked.

                         Josh's POV

Crystal and Jordi told me to wait here by the bridge and wait for someone, they gave me flowers to give it to the person ok waiting since they never told me who I'm waiting for and then I saw a car park in the distance, three people were walking towards me and one of them was Jelly... He is wearing a blind fold, is this a surprise for him?

"Alright Jelly, you can take of your blindfold now" Sanna said, I would hold on to the flowers while Jelly takes of his blindfold

"J-josh?" Jelly was shocked and surprised at the same, while Crainer and Sanna walks away

"Hey.." I said, as I was a bit nervous

"Are these flowers for me..?" Jelly asked

"Yeah, here by the way.." I said and I would hand the flowers to Jelly

"They look beautiful Josh.." Jelly said as he looks at me

"Glad you liked it.." I said as I look at him back

"So uhm..." Jelly said as he was kinda nervous

"Would you like to have a talk..?" I asked him

"Sure.." Jelly said

                       No one's POV

Both of them would sit down and would sweat as they were both nervous

                        Jelly's POV

Sanna and Crainer planned a surprise for me, tho.. We're they trying to get me and Josh back together..? Is this their plan..? Me and Josh we're sweating as we are both nervous

"So, Uhh..." Josh said nervously

"This is awkward to be honest..." I said nervously

"I agree with you I guess..." Josh said as he looks away

"Though.... I'm sorry for what I did to you... I felt guilty after you left.. I was just so stress out while you we're just trying to help me out...." Josh said as he shed a tear

"Josh... Please look at me..." I said as Josh would still look away from me as I sighed

"Fine..." Josh said as he would turn and look at me

"Look I forgive you Josh... And I experienced the stress.. We are hard working youtubers..." I said

"Welp..." He said as I would lean over to Josh and kiss him

                         Josh's POV

I apologised to Jelly for what I done to him in the past.. And of course he forgive but he unexpectedly kissed me. I would blush and kissed back. We kissed for a few seconds though we both pulled away from each other

"U-uhm..." Jelly peeped

"So.. Guess we're official now..." I said

"Mhm.." He said

"This time I won't make the same mistake again...." I said smiling at Jelly as he would smile back at me

                      No one's POV

Meanwhile in the distance, Jordi, Sanna, Crainer and Crystal we're watching them

"Mission accomplished!" Crystal said

"Looks like it worked" Crainer said smiling and proud of them

"Hey Sanna, you really sure you're OK with this?" Jordi asked as Sanna nodded

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