~(A Second Chance?)~

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                         Jelly's POV

Sanna decided to break up with me because she felt guilty of the relationship of me and Josh, I was kinda upset but she wanted me to be with Josh again. Though, she still lives with me and we're still friends, we walked out of the room and saw Josh lying on the couch sleeping.

'Guess he hasn't slept in a while' I thought, while I sat next to him

"Hey Jelly, if you need me just go to the backyard" Sanna said as she went outside in the backyard

Josh would yawn as he wakes up

"Good Afternoon, Sleepyhead" I said, laughing inside

"Afternoon Jelly... How did your conversation with Sanna go?" he asked as I felt kinda upset

"Well... We broke up.." I said, Josh would look guilty

"It's because of me... Isn't it.. First I'm a bad boyfriend... Now a bad friend..." Josh said thinking everything is his fault

"Josh calm down... It wasn't your fault..." I said as I was comforting him

Someone knocked on the door saying:

"Hello? Jelly? You there buddy?" they said as me and Josh recognise that voice

"I'll go get it.." Josh said, he stand up, went to the door and opened it, seeing Crystal and Jordi

"Josh, what a pleasant surprise" Crystal said

"What are you doing in Jelly's House?" Jordi asked

                           Josh's POV

"Well, Jelly let me stayed at his house..." I said

"Oh OK then" Jordi said, they both went in and saw Jelly sitting on the couch

"Hey Jelly" Crystal said, while both of them sat down next to Jelly

I closed the door and sat next to them

"So, how's life Jelly?" Jordi asked

"I mean, it's OK I guess.." Jelly said as Crystal and Jordi was confused while I was guilty

"What do you mean ok??" Jordi asked again

"Well... Let's just say today has been kinda eventful.." Jelly said nervously

"OK?" Crystal said still confused

I would yawn since I was tired again, cause I haven't slept properly..

"Sleepy again Josh?" Jelly said

I would yawn as I said "Yeah..." and without hesitation, I fell asleep on Jelly's lap

                       Jelly's POV

Crystal and Jordi came in my house and Josh slept on me, I would blush and Jordi noticed it

"Wait, are you cheating on Sanna, Jelly?!" Jordi asked and Crystal was shocked

"N-no! It's not what it looks like!" I said and both of them was disappointed

"Jelly, I thought you were better than this..." Crystal said

"W-wait! Let me explain first!" I said begging them that I was not cheating, Josh woke up from my shout and would yawn

"What's going on...?" Josh asked looking at the two confused, "Why do you guys look disappointed??" Josh said

"I... I'm just gonna go to my room..." I said walking away

"Jelly...?" Josh mumbles

I went in my room and sat on my bed, upset, guilty... While I was thinking, I heard a door shut, I went to check it out, as I went down stairs, I saw Crystal and Jordi in the kitchen and when I looked at the couch... Josh was gone..

" W-wait... Where did Josh go..?" I said

"Oh Josh, he left.. Crying actually...." Jordi said

"Yeah, before he left, he kept repeating 'Its all my fault', which we were concerned" Crystal said

"We were gonna ask him, then he cried and left..." Jordi said, I was devastated actually, so I ran outside to look for him...

                         Josh's POV

I left Jelly's house.. Cause, I was guilty of everything... Its all my fault... Everything is going wrong because of me... It was raining and I had nowhere to go but just go home...

"Josh! Where are you!" I heard, as I turned around, someone bumped into me so I catched that someone and that someone.. Was Jelly..

"J-jelly..?" I said as I blushed madly.. We would look at each others eyes until I snapped back into reality, "U-uhm.."

"I-is that really you Josh.....?" Jelly said, he was about to tear up

"J-jelly, don't cry... I'm here..." I said as he would hug me, crying

"Shhh... Its OK Jelly... I'm here.." I said as I hugged him back

"P-please don't leave me...." he said, I was gonna say something then without hesitation.. He kissed me.. As he kissed me I felt happiness again.. I kissed back.. But.... I pushed away, and ran...

"J-josh... Josh! Wait! Don't leave please!" Jelly shouted

'I'm sorry Jelly.... But I don't think I'm ready to get back with after what I've done in the past...' I thought, crying

(Insert sad music here)

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