~(The Truth)~

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                          Josh's POV

Jelly and his girlfriend let me stay at their house, Jelly was driving to their house.

"What's your name?" His girlfriend asked me

"My names Joshua but you can just call me Josh.." I said

"Well I'm Sanna, Jelly's girlfriend" She said

"So uh, how you've been Jelly..?" I asked

"Good, what about you?" He asked

"Not that great..." I said

"Why, what happened Josh?" Sanna asked, Jelly gulped

'Shoot' I thought, "Uhh, my girlfriend broke up with me..." I said

"Oh.. I'm sorry for asking" Sanna said as she felt bad

"I-it's OK..." I said

"We're here" Jelly said, pulling the brakes, we went out of the car and went in the house

"Wow..." I said as Jelly pointed where I was gonna sleep

                         Jelly's POV

I invited Josh to stay at my house, he was surprise to see the inside of my new home, I would point at a room to where he was gonna sleep, then a sudden guilt fell into me, telling me to the the truth to Sanna but I would shake it off since I don't want Sanna to be upset.

"Jelly.." Josh said lifting his hand on my shoulder, "Can we talk in private please....?"

"Sure, I guess.. Sanna can you please make lunch while me and Josh talk in private" I said

"Sure thing Jelly" Sanna said as she walked to the kitchen, me and Josh would walk to the guest room and sat down on the bed

"So... What do you wanna talk about Josh?" I asked as Josh would tear up a little bit "J-josh? Your tearing up..." I said

"I missed you Jelly!!" Josh said as he cried while I was kinda shock

"Josh, I kinda missed you too.... But I have a girlfriend now.." I said as Josh would wipe some of his tears and smile

"I know... You're happy with her... And I'm glad..." He said as I kinda feel bad for Josh. Sanna would open the door

"Guys, lunch is re- Oh, Uhm.. Sorry for intruding guys.." Sanna said as she was about to close the door

"No, no, It's OK Sanna" I said as Josh wipes his tears "We'll be there in a sec"

"OK then" Sanna said, she would go down stairs.

                        Sanna's POV

I would go down stairs, sat down on a chair waiting for the boys, I saw Jelly and Josh go down the stairs and sat on the chair, we would started eating.

"So... What were you guys talking about?" I asked as Josh and Jelly stopped eating. Jelly would sigh

"Sanna, I think it's time for you to know the truth... But please don't be upset..." Jelly said as I nodded, Jelly would take a deep breath "Josh and I..."

"Mhm.." I hummed, Jelly was about to talk but Josh cut him off by saying what Jelly was about to say

"Me and Jelly used to date but we broke up" Josh said straight up as I was shock and suprised, I would calm down as I looked at Jelly, he was upset

"Jelly, can I talk to you please after lunch?" I asked as Jelly was kinda scared as he nodded

We would finish eating, I would grab the dishes, I was about to wash them but Josh would put his hand on mine

"I'll wash them... You can go and talk to Jelly now..." He said

"O-ok then.." I said as me and Jelly would walk to my room, Jelly would look down scared as I put my arms on his shoulders

"Jelly, I'm not mad at you..." I said as Jelly would look at me suprised and confuse

"Y-your not upset??" Jelly asked confused

"I'm not.. I'm saying that you should give him a chance..." I said, Jelly would look down at the ground again

"I... Don't know..." Jelly said

"Then, tell me how did you guys broke up??" I asked, Jelly would calm down a little bit

"Josh was stressed about his channel and I was just trying to help him but... He thought I was just disturbing him.. Then we got into an argument then we broke up..." Jelly said as I feel bad for him

"Oh... But, I advise you to still give him a chance..." I said, Jelly would look at me again

"B-but what about you???" Jelly asked as I smiled

"I will be fine..." I said as me and Jelly would kiss one last time.

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