~(Mistake And Regrets)~

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                           Josh's POV

Why did I do that.. He was trying to help me get my stress out and then this happened.... This was a mistake and I regret it..

"I regret it so bad!" I said crying in my office

It's like my life is now corrupted after we broke up.. I.. I can't live without Jelly.... He was the best boyfriend I've ever asked... I'm just gonna go take a nap....

                       Crainer's POV

I was comforting Jelly after Josh broke up with him, my phone would ring and I saw a text message from Crystal

                     Nub Me (Crainer)

-Hello Crainer

              Who are you and how did you-
                                        Get my number?

-Let's not talk about that
But can I ask you a question?

                               OK but make it quick-

"Who are you texting Crainer?" Jelly asked

"I don't know" I answered

                    Nub Me (Crainer)

-Why did Josh and Jelly
Broke up?

                                 They got into a fight-

-I see..

                      But who are you anyway?-

-The names Crystal


-Thank you for answering
My question and tell Jelly
I said Hi, bye

                                    OK and bye I guess-

"Jelly, the stranger name Crystal said hi to you" I said

"Oh so that was Crystal" Jelly said and I was a bit confused

"You know her?" I asked Jelly and he put a smile on his face

"Yes, she is a friend of mine" he answered

"Oh OK" I said, I put my phone down and showed Jelly where he will be sleeping

"This look comfortable" Jelly said

"Have a nice time sleeping" I said and went to my room to sleep

[Hello, this is the writer, if you are wondering why Crainer doesn't know me well its because we haven't met but I know him and I am a fan of him also, well that's all I'm gonna say, bai]

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