~(Jelly's New Girlfriend)~

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It's been weeks since Jelly and Josh broke up, Jelly was look through the Internet and met a interesting girl named Sanna. They've been hanging out and started dating, Jelly told Crainer and he congratulate him, he also told Crystal and Jordi, they were also happy for him.

                          Jelly's POV

It's been weeks now and I have been dating Sanna, I moved out of Crainer's Home and bought a new house, Sanna also moved in with me.

"Jelly!" Sanna shouted from the living room

"Yes Sanna?" I said while going down stairs

"Can we go to the park? You've been busy with videos lately" Sanna said and that brought me some flashbacks


"Josh, can we go to the park? You've been busy with your channel lately" Jelly said

"Sure thing Babe, anything for you" Josh said as he smiled at Jelly

"Your the best boyfriend ever!" Jelly said and he would hug Josh

"Heh" Josh would hug Jelly back

                         Jelly' s POV

"Jelly?" Sanna said and I would snap back into reality

"Oh, sorry Sanna, but sure we can go" I said and she would hug me as I hugged her back

I would go change my clothes (He's wearing his merch, some jeans and sneakers), as I walked out of the room I saw Sanna wearing my Jelly Hoodie, I would smile

"Your hoodie is comfy" Sanna would snuggle in my hoodie, I would kiss Sanna in the forehead

"Let's go" I said, me and Sanna would go into my car and went to the park

                        Josh's POV

It's been weeks now and I have been diagnosed with depression, I haven't upload a video yet on my channel, even told my fans I was depressed, they would care but nothing makes me happy... Except for Jelly... Crainer would call me, I would pick it up

"Hey Josh, how you've been?" Crainer would ask as I wiped my tears

"I-I'm fine...." I said

"Doesn't look like it" Crainer said

"I said I'm fine Crainer..." I said a lil angry

"Tell me what's wrong Josh, c'mon" Crainer said and I would shout with anger

"I said I'm fine Crainer!!!" I shouted at him with anger, Crainer went speechless and hung up

"Crainer?" I said on my phone

'Guess he hung up' I thought, I would look up and see the pictures of me and Jelly on the wall 'Good times...' I thought, I would go change my clothes, went in my car and went to the park where me and Jelly used to hangout.

As I walked in the park, I would see Jelly and a girl sitting on the bench, I thought she was just a friend of his until they kissed... I would tear up and ran away 'He has a girlfriend..' I thought

                         Jelly's POV

Me and Sanna arrived at the park, we would walk for a bit then we sat down. We would talk and talk, Sanna would snuggle into me as I wrapped my arms around her, we would look at each other a sec, then we kissed. After our kiss, Sanna saw someone running away, he looked like he was crying.

"We should help him Jelly" Sanna said, I would smile

"Sure then if that's what you want" I said, me and Sanna would stand up and ran towards the man she saw.

As we went towards him, he would look up as I recognised him

"Josh?" I said

"You know him Jelly?" Sanna asked as Josh wiped his tears

"Y-yeah.." I said

"Are you ok?" Sanna asked Josh

"No...." Josh said as he looked away from us

"Wanna stay with us for awhile Josh?" I asked, Sanna would smile and put her head on my shoulder

"S-sure, I guess..." Josh said and we would walk towards my car, we went back to my house

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