~(The Past Left Behind)~

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Few days later, Josh started to keep distance from Jelly, he didn't let go of the past. While Jelly tries to talk to Josh but he would just run away. Crainer heard the news about their relationship falling apart. So Jordi, Crystal, Crainer and Sanna decided to help and get them back together. Two of them went to Josh and the other two went to Jelly.

                          Josh's POV

I finally got over my depression after a few weeks but.. Things are still not right... I started to keep my distance from Jelly because of what I did to him in the past and I can't forgive myself from that, I felt awful but I have no choice... I heard a knock on the front door.

"Josh? Are you home? We need to talk" A voice I heard downstairs outside, so I went downstairs to the front door and opened it

"Hey Josh" Jordi said while Crystal was behind him waving

"Oh Uhm... Hey guys, come in" I said letting then through, "So... What are you guys doing here??" I asked confused as I sit on the couch

"Well.... We wanted to talk to you about something...." Crystal said

"Go on..." I said kinda nervous

"We wanna talk about your relationship with Jelly right now..." Jordi said, I felt guilt slowly crawling into me

"W-what about o-our relationship...." I said guilty

"We noticed everytime Jelly gets close to you and tries to talk to you... You just run away like... Your keeping your distance away from him..." Crystal said, I felt more guilty than ever that I started to feel bad

"Josh... Why are you running away from Jelly...? What did he ever do to you for him to deserve this....?" Jordi said, I kept silence for a moment

"Josh.... You can't just shut yourself out without a reason... We wanna know the reason..." Crystal said, they were asking me seriously, I decided to speak

"He did nothing but.... I did..." I said but mumbled at the end

"Josh... Speak it up... You can't shut yourself now..." Jordi said

"I-I...." I started tearing up, making me remember the mistake I have done


"Your always busy! Can't you just take a break! You've been always busy with your channel, why not hangout with me!" Jelly said angry, Josh would smash his hand down on his desk and turned around

"Maybe I could take a break! A break from you!" Josh said and Jelly was shock of what he said

"W-what do you m-mean....?" he asked

"I'm.... breaking up with you...." Josh said and Jelly's tears would role down his cheeks "Pack you stuff...." Jelly would ran out of my office crying 'I can't believe I'm doing this....' Josh thought to himself. As he was about to leave.. He said his last words to him..

"I will always love you...." he said as he would leave

                         Josh's POV

"Josh... Josh snap out of it!!" Jordi said as I snapped back into reality

"Josh... Is it the break up you had with Jelly two months ago... Is it...?" Crystal said, I nodded as Jordi sat beside me

"Josh.... That's in the past now... I know only two months have since you guys broke up but you have to let it go..." Jordi said, Crystal sat beside me also

"Jordi is right... It's all in the past now and we can't change it... But the future is waiting for us..." Crystal said

"So either you stick with the past or let it go and see what the future awaits us..." Jordi said,

'They're right.... The past is the past now... And I can't change it...' I thought to myself

"So what will it be Josh..?" Crystal asked, I took a deep breath

"You guys are right.. It's time for me to  leave the past behind and see what the future holds.." I said, Jordi would put his hand on my shoulder

"There's the Josh we know, now let's get you ready cause we have something planned for you" Jordi said as both of them held my hand and took me to my bedroom upstairs.

                         Jelly's POV

I was just done making a video until I heard knocking on the front door, I was curious so I went out of my office, I saw Sanna opening the front door and Crainer walking in

'Huh? I don't remember inviting Crainer here..' I thought, I went down stairs to ask Crainer

"Oh hey Jelly, I see your down making your video" Sanna said

"Hey Jelly" Crainer said

"Sanna, what is Crainer doing here? I don't remember inviting him" I asked and said

"Jelly sit down..." Crainer said, I sat down on the couch beside Crainer

"So... What are you doing here Crainer?" I asked

"I invited him" Sanna said

"We wanted to talk to you about something..." Crainer said

"And that is..?" I said

"Your... Relationship.. With Josh.." Sanna said, a sudden mood change happened in me

"W-why... W-what so special a-about it anyway.... It's not like we're together again..." I said

'Wish we were though...' I thought

"Jelly... Do you still love Josh...?" Crainer asked, I went silent, I wasn't sure how to answer his question

"Jelly... Please answer the question... Do you still love him or not?" Sanna said and asked

"I-I... I don't know how to feel about him anymore.... He kept running away from me when I try to go near him... He would keep his distance from me.... D-did I do something wrong....? Do I deserve this.....?" I said as I start to tear up

"Jelly... You did nothing wrong.... And no, you don't deserve this..." Sanna said as she tried to comfort me

"Jelly... We're trying to help you..." Crainer said

"Oh... So only you guys..." I said

"Actually, were helping both you and Josh..." Sanna said

"So, Crystal and Jordi went to Josh's?" I asked

"Mhm" Crainer hummed, Sanna's phone buzzed

"That must be Jordi" Crainer said, Sanna would read his message

"Hey, we manage to get Josh better, were on our way to the place were supposed to meet up" Jordi message

"Huh?" I said confused

"Let's make this quick shall we" Sanna said, "All I'm gonna say is... Give him a chance again"

"I-i guess I can do that..." I said

"Great, now let's hurry and get you ready or we'll be late" Crainer said, he grabbed my hand and brought me to my bedroom

(No cover for this chapter yet)

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