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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ophelia hadn't taken the news well. Eliza worried so much for Ophelia that she considered sending word for Josephine to come and fetch the girl.

Mr. Barry had thought that idea was ludicrous, they were traveling to Charlottetown for the funeral and Ophelia might as well travel with them. That had meant preparing luggage for each member of the Barry family though, and Eliza could take hours to pack a suitcase, let alone 4.

The easiest way to make it to Charlottetown the next day, was for the children to go to school in the morning while Eliza stayed home and packed their bags. However, the plan had to be adjusted slightly after the events the night before.

Shortly after Ophelia had awoken, she was hysterical, the girl couldn't stop crying. She sobbed endlessly for hours, until the point of making herself sick.

Diana had tried endlessly to calm her down, bringing her dinner, rubbing her back and reminiscing on the good memories she had with her aunt, even if she hadn't known her well. In the end, it was Minnie May who managed to calm her down.

Minnie May crept into the room as Diana tried to convince Ophelia to drink some tea. And although Diana screamed at her to leave, Minnie May crawled into her bed and hugged her. Ophelia's sobs ceased as she held the child. She squeezed her cousin and sniffled into her hair.

The heartbroken girl finally fell asleep, still holding Minnie May in her grasp. It had taken a while, but all of her crying had worn the girl out. All the Barry's were relieved, but none more than Diana.

Diana had been tempted to simply sit and cry with Ophelia, but was worried about the effect that'd have on her cousin so she stayed strong instead. Only shedding her tears after she had retreated to her room.

She softly shut the door and leaned against it, feeling the cold tears run down her cheeks. She thought she was being ridiculous, she'd hardly known Gertrude. Seeing how upset Ophelia was though, made her wish she'd taken the time to get to know her better.

So the plan had been adjusted, Diana and Minnie May went to school and Ophelia stayed home to catch up on the rest she had missed last night. At noon, the Barry's would be taken out of school and they'd catch the afternoon train to Charlottetown.

The girls questioned Diana as soon as she reached school, wondering why she'd shown up alone. As Diana told them the story, the girls faces fell. They hugged Diana and tried to comfort her, but Diana insisted she was fine and if they wanted to do anything, they could comfort Ophelia when she came to pick Diana up.

"She was very upset last night, she cried herself sick." The girls all looked at each other, worried about their friend.

"I didn't even know that was possible." Ruby piped up.

"Neither did I, but it happened. Mother was completely horrified. Ophelia was simply lucky she missed the carpet." The girls all giggled, knowing Diana's mother would have thrown a fit had her expensive carpets been ruined not even a year after they got them.

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