10| Sonic's Still In His Werehog Form?!?!

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Header image shows Sonic when he fell off the bed, landed on Sapphire by accident, before getting off of her with that half-asleep look. X'D
Sapphire's POV 💙

I suddenly screamed before falling on my butt in shock just right after I pulled the blanket off of Sonic.

My scream immediately freaked Sonic out, making him scream too, before he suddenly fell off the bed and landed on top of me.

"Sapphire! What's wrong?! Did something happen?!?!" Sonic asked worriedly as he quickly got off of me while we blushed.

"Wh-What happened to you?!" I asked, still in shock, as I pointed at him.

"What do you mean? I'm fine! I got better after you gave me medicine last night." Sonic says as he looked at me.

"N-No! Not that! I meant this!" I said before holding a mirror up, showing Sonic his reflection. "You're still in your werehog form!"

Sonic stared at his reflection in shock as he took the mirror.

"But...How?! I was supposed to revert back into my original form by daylight!" He says as he lowered the mirror before handing it back to me.

"I-I don't know! I'm not a researcher who studies werehogs!" I say as I setted the mirror down on my desk after me and Sonic stood up.

As we sat down on the bed, Sonic and I were silent for a few minutes, thinking what could've happened, as I looked at him before standing up.

"We should head over to Tails and ask what's going on. This wasn't suppose to happen to you." I said as Sonic stood up too.

"Yeah. Maybe he'll know why I'm like this and could probably fix it." Sonic replies as he nodded in agreement.

"We'll head over after I showered and got changed. It won't be long, I promise you that." I said before getting a clean pair of clothes, towel, washcloth and shampoo.

"You can look around the house if you want to."

Then I went in the bathroom, locking the door, before undressing myself, tossing the dirty clothes in the hamper, and getting in the shower.

Sonic's POV 💎

After Sapphire went in the bathroom to bathe herself, I headed downstairs and started looking around.

In her bedroom, I noticed that there was a vase that had thornless red roses.

I blushed a little at the thought of Sapphire with a thornless red rose in her hair, wearing a long beautiful lavender dress, asking me how does she look in it.

"Why are you so beautiful, Sapphire? I just can't get you out of my head. Even after the day we met, I still can't stop thinking about you." I think to myself.

I never knew, someone like her, could be so pretty and sexy.

I blushed more after thinking of something a little perverted about her before I quickly shook that thought out of my head.

"Heck no! Not today!" I thought to myself.

I sighed a little.

"Sapphire wouldn't like that." I said aloud.

"Like what?" I suddenly heard her say, making me turn around.

Sapphire was out of the shower and in her clean clothes already as she held a towel in her left arm.

I grew embarrassed as I looked at her.

"I-It's nothing...I was just talking to myself." I replied, feeling like wanting to dig a hole and hide in it.

"Alright." Sapphire chuckled a bit before she left and headed back to the guest room.

I followed after her as she putted the towel in the laundry basket, with her dirty clothes, before we headed downstairs.

After Sapphire got her shoes on, we went out the door before heading over to see Tails.

Along the way, I noticed mobian citizens staring at me before whispering and gossiping about me, thinking I'm a total stranger.

"Look at that monster. He looks like he could put us all in danger." I heard one say.

I heard someone agree.

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