13| Stuck As A Werehog

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Sapphire's POV 💙

As Sonic and I headed over, I suddenly got a feeling in my gut, that it's gonna be bad.

"I've scanned Sonic's DNA and noticed something odd about it. It's not good news though." Tails says as he showed the results to us.

"Sonic can't revert back to normal. His werehog form is permanent now."

Sonic looked over and his face suddenly paled before covering his mouth in shock.

I took a glance and I was in shock too.

"Tails...What does this mean?" I asked.

"I can't do anything about it or have you try making medicine for it. It's incurable." Tails explained. "Because of the small amount of Dark Gaia's essence that Sonic still has, it fused itself in his DNA.

But, I don't know how it got in Sonic's DNA and completely changed him after the transformation happened last night at your house."

I looked over at Sonic worriedly.

"I'm so sorry, Sonic." Tails says as he looked over at him with pity in his eyes before saving the DNA scanning to his files, shutting the devices off, and tossed the DNA sample away.

Sonic didn't say anything and just stared down at the floor.

I walked over and stood next to him before I held his hand and squeezed it lightly.

Then we headed upstairs and went out the door.

"Any more information?" I asked as I laced my fingers between Sonic's before looking at Tails.

He shook his head.

"That's all I've gathered." Tails says.

"Okay. Thank you for helping us figure out what's going on." I say before me and Sonic left.

When we made it back to my house, Sonic headed upstairs and went in the guest room before sitting down on the bed and burying his face in his hands.

"Poor Sonic...It must be so hard for him to process this." I think to myself as I stood at the entrance of the bedroom door before walking over and sitting next to him.

I looked over and embraced him into a long hug as I held him close to my body.

Sonic hugged me back as he buried his face in my chest, while I started rubbing his back soothingly, before I heard him begining to cry.

I shushed him gently as I stroked his head gingerly with my hand.

Sonic's POV 💎

"It's okay, Sonic...It's okay..." Sapphire says to me gently before kissing me on the forehead.

I didn't say anything until I've calmed down a bit.

"I'm scared, Sapphire...I don't know what to do, now that I'm a werehog for good." I say as I sniffed a little before looking at Sapphire's face.

"You shouldn't worry. Looks don't matter to me. As long as you're still who you are on the inside and by heart, then I'm happy." Sapphire replies as she helped me sit up on the bed before wiping the tears from my eyes.

"And as long as you still have those pretty green eyes and I still have my ice-blue eyes, we'll both be okay."

I blushed before I smiled and chuckled a little.

"Thanks. You think my eyes are pretty?" I asked.

"Of course! They make me feel like I could get lost in them." Sapphire replied.

Then my face turned a bit redder as I looked at Sapphire.

"No one's never said that to me either."

Sapphire smiled before scratching me behind the ears, making me flop backwards on the bed as I smiled dumbly.

"How'd you know I like it when I'm scratched behind the ears?" I asked as Sapphire started laughing.

"I saw Amy do that to you once. That's how come I know about your secret sweet spot." She answered.

I face-palmed myself.

"Of course...How could've I forget?" I think to myself.

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