Falling For You

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Y/N pov:
You wake up on a saturday morning to your phone ringing, it's Josh!
Josh: Hey cutie!
Y/n: Who's a cutie? You couldn't possibly be talking about me.
Josh: Oh shut up! You're beautiful!
I blush, I can't believe Josh Richards the cutest guy in school, the guy I thought I never had a chance with is calling me beautiful.
Josh: So, date tonight?
Y/n: How could I possibly say no :)
Josh: I'll pick you up at 5!
Y/n: bye :)
Josh: bye beautiful
I hang up the phone and bite the side of my lip and smile. I remember that I haven't told Ella and Melanie about me and Josh so I call them and tell them to come over.
Melanie: So what's up?
Ella: Yeah what's up? You sounded excited!
Y/n: soo...me and Josh kissed..again, and we are going on a date tonight!!
Melanie: OMG!!
Ella: When did you kiss?!?
Y/n: Just last night!
Melanie: What time is the date?
Y/n: 5, I am so nervous
Melanie: Just act as if it isn't a date, be yourself.
Ella: Exactly, he likes you for you, be how you always are around him!
Y/n: You guys are right, it's just more pressure
Melanie: Understandable
Ella, Melanie, and I binge watched disney + until 4 and then it hit me, idk what to wear!
Y/n: Hold on, guys, what the hell am I gonna wear!
Ella: Relax, we'll help you.
Melanie: Yeah, easy you look good in everything!
Y/n: omg thank you guys so much!
Ella: Anytime girlie
We all walk to my closet and Melanie grabs a see through lacey bra and matching underwear.
Y/n: I cannot wear that!
Melanie: Why not!
Y/n: We aren't gonna have sex anyway!
Ella: Who says!
Y/n: Omg fine I'll wear it, but he isn't gonna see them
Ella: You can say that, but I doubt he won't at least get a peek.
Y/n: And we are moving on to the actual clothes now so stop talking about it!
They both laugh, Ella then grabs a short black two piece
Ella: This is really cute! I might need to borrow this sometime!
Y/n: You can have it, I never wear it
Ella: Oh come on you would look so cute in it
Y/n: Ella, its too short
Melanie: Does it cover your ass?
Y/n: yeah..
Melanie: Then it's not too short!
Y/n: fine
Melanie: and wear this jean jacket with it.
She takes off her denim jacket and hands it to me
Y/n: Alright thats actually cute
Ella: Now for the shoes..
She points to my white air force 1 Nike shoes.
Ella: Those! Those would look cute with this outfit
Y/n: I can see this being cute
I look at the time, it's 4:20.
Y/n: I gotta get dressed
I go out on the outfit and look in the mirror
Y/n: This is actually really cute!

*Here is an idea of what the two piece looks like*
Ella and Melanie left a while after and I sat down to wait for Josh.
Josh pov:
I was starting to get nervous for the date, she just makes my heart pound.
I dressed myself in a white shirt,grey dress pants, and my nikes.

On my way to her house I got a call from Lexi.
Lexi: Josh can you come over??? I need help!
Josh: What? Whats wrong?
Lexi: I can't say right now but its an emergency!
Josh: Ok ok ill come over.
You call y/n to tell her that you have to move the time back
Josh: hey y/n something came up, can I pick you up at 6?
Y/n: Oh of course, do what you gotta do
Josh: Thank you! I'm so sorry! Ill get you at 6
Y/n: Alright, bye
Josh: Bye beautiful
You hang up and head over to Lexi's. When you get there you knock on the door wondering what could possibly be wrong and she finally answers.
Lexi: Hey Joshie!
Josh: Um hey, so what's the emergency?
Lexi: I was missing you!
Josh: That's all?
Lexi: I shouldn't need a reason to see my boyfriend
Josh: When did we ever say we were boyfriend and girlfriend
Lexi: Sorry I just assumed
I notice she is wearing a robe
Josh: I have to go, I was about to meet someone
Lexi: Aww don't leave yet! We didn't get to have any fun
She pulls a part of her robe and I can see her bra
Josh: Ok im leaving, bye Lexi
I quickly rush to my car leaving Lexi standing at the door and head to y/n house
Y/n pov:
When Josh called to say he was pushing back the time, I decided to change into some grey sweatpants and a white crop top since the dress wasn't really comfortable and watched some disney +
*doorbell ring*
I get up and open the door
Y/n: Oh josh! What are you doing here?
Josh: Shit sorry, forgot to tell you that I was coming
Y/n: Yeah I thought you were coming at 6 haha
Josh: I'm assuming thats why you're in sweats? Haha
Y/n: yeah
We both are laughing
Josh: I mean I wouldn't mind you wearing that on our date
Y/n: No way, I got a dress that I was excited to wear, be right back you sit here and watch some tv
Josh: Alright, don't keep me waiting too long
Y/n: We'll see ;)
I quickly throw on my dress and decided to wear some black heels and fix up my hair
I walked down the stairs
Y/n: I'm ready!
Josh turns to me
Josh: wow! You look amazing
I blush
Josh: you're cute when you blush
That makes me blush anymore
Y/n: lets just go already!
Josh: alright alright
We get in his car and head to somewhere he said was secret
We pull up to an empty beach where there is a blanket and a picnic set up
Y/n: You did all of this?
Josh: What can I say? I'm a romantic
Y/n: Who knew :)
Josh sits down and puts his hand out for me to grab and he helped me sit
I didnt realise how difficult this dress was gonna be
Y/n: Maybe I should have stuck with the sweatpants bahaha
Josh laughs
Josh: You look beautiful either way
I turn my head away to blush and josh softly grabs my chin and turns me towards him, we look into eachothers eyes for a few seconds and he slowly pulls me in. We kiss eachother patiently and then we pull away
Josh: want anything to eat
Y/n: sure!
We hang out and laugh all night
Y/n: The stars are coming out, should we head home?
Josh: No way this is the best part
Josh lays back and looks up at the stars, I follw his lead and do the same thing.
Y/n: It's beautiful
Josh: I know
I turn to Josh and notice that he was looking at me when he said that
Y/n: You are so flirty Josh!
Josh: I flirt when im nervous
Y/n: You? No way you get nervous!
Josh: I might seem confident, but when I'm around you my heart beats a mile a minute
I smile at him
Y/n: I feel the same way
Josh roles to his side and rests his head on his arm and looked at me. I turned onto my side as well and did the same thing. I used my other hand to play with his hair. Josh put his hand on my lower thigh and slid it up to my waist.
Josh: I feel so lucky
Y/n: Not as lucky as I feel
Josh leaned in and kissed me, he brought his hand up to my back and slid his hands down to my butt. I wrapped one of my legs around him and he rolled ontop of me. After a few seconds he lifted himself up so he was in a girl pushup position over me.
Josh: You ok?
Y/n: Yeah
And I smile at him and bite my lip.
He comes back onto me and kisses me again, I feel his tongue enter my mouth and we french kiss. A little while after we finished kissing Josh and I layed next to eachother, my face is snuggled into the crook of his neck and his arms are around me. I fall asleep feeling safe and comforted.

Sorry it has been a while since my last post! Hope you enjoy this one.(sorry if the pictures of the outfits don't show, it's not working)
*also follow me so that I can post messages about my stories*

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