Just a Bad Day

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~y/un= your username~
You posted a photo on instagram wearing your outfit for the day-

Joshrichards that's my girl 😍💗😘
*reply* Y/un @joshrichards don't make me blush 😘
*reply* Joshrichards @y/un if you're allowed to make me blush then I am allowed to make you blush

That was a great start to my day and the rest will be even better since I get to hang out with him
So when are we hanging today?
                          Turns out I can't today :(


                           Don't worry, it isn't b/c
                           I'm going to hang with                               Lexi 

Omg shut up!

                   😂😂 I'll see you tomorrow?

Yeah see ya💗
*end text*

Well now my day sucks...
Later while im sitting in bed with sweats on, watching movies, I get a text
It's from Ella!
Hey girlie!

                                         Hey! What's up?

Wanna hang with me
and Melanie today?

                                        I got nothing else
                                        to do😢

Oh shut up!
now get out of your
sweats and be ready
I'll be there in a
few minutes

*text ends*
I get up and get back dressed into the outfit I posted earlier and head downstairs to wait for her. When she shows up and run into her car and we head to a party.

Y/n: This is what we're doing??
Melanie: Yeah why not??
Y/n: Ugh can't we just go to the movies or something
Ella: You are such a loser!
Y/n: Am not!
Melanie: Yes you are y/n
Y/n: I hate you guys
We get to the party and head in, that's when I see that bitch
Y/n: Why is Lexi here
Melanie: y/n everyone was invited, chill, it doesn't matter
Y/n: Fine
I go over to get a drink while Melanie and Ella head over to play cup pong and guess who followed me? You got it right! Lexi!
Lexi: Hey y/n!
Y/n: Hi...
She is so fake
Lexi: You and Josh still together?
Y/n: Yup and we are very happy!
Lexi: That's weird because I just saw him out with the really pretty girl
Y/n: Right...
Lexi: You don't have to believe me, just thought I'd let you know
Then she walks away, and left me wondering if I should believe her or not. Would she actual tell me the truth?
Later that night I was playing cup pong with Melanie, Ella, and some boy named anthony, Ella thought he was cute so I made her stand next to him. After I missed a shot I threw my head back
Y/n: Ugh dammit!
I thought I recognized someone walking in, hold the fuck up, what the hell is Josh doing here?

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