Terrible Mistake

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3:26 am
I was up watching tiktoks when I got a dm

I'm gonna try this
one more time, can
you hang out tomorrow
or I guess that's today

                                      You just don't quit

I just want to hang out

                                  What about Crystal?
                                  you can't even try to
                                  hang with her?

I already told you,
i'm not interested in her

                              Fine, ill hang out with
                              you today/tomorrow,
                              IF you try hanging
                              with Crystal.

Deal, I'll pick you
up at 2

*end messaging*
After a while of watching some more tiktoks I fall asleep and wake up the next morning at 12 to the sound of arguing downstairs, nothing new to me every morning my mom and dad are arguing over dumb things. I get up and hop in the shower and get dressed and then head downstairs. It is now 1:34.
Dad: You had no right to spend that money!!
Mom: it's my money too and I'll spend it how I want to!
Dad: Fuck you! You know that I do so much more than you
Mom: How dare you speak to me that way!
They continue to argue and I can't take it anymore so I head outside and sit on the steps of my deck.
Mark: parents arguing again?
Mark sits down next to me
Y/n: How did you guess
Mark: you always used to sit here when they were arguing and I can hear it.
Y/n: Of course
Mark: Hey if you don't want to hang out today we don't have to
Y/n: No no I want to, I don't want to stay in the house anyway
Mark: Alright lets go, we gotta get your mind off of them
He holds his hand out to help me up
Y/n: Thanks
We get into his car and drive to my favorite lunch place
Y/n: I love this place
Mark: haha I was hoping you would say that
We head inside and sit at a table
Y/n: So how is everything going for you at home?
Mark: Um pretty good, it's nice to see everyone, but my dad can still be an ass at times
Y/n: I get it
Nark: So what were your parents arguing about this time?
Y/n: Money again, I guess my mom spent a lot of money on something and my dad didn't like that. It's pretty toxic.
Mark: I'm sorry y/nn
Y/n: It's ok, they have been really stressed lately and I'm just hoping it blows over. I know they love eachother.
Mark: I get it, anyway lets get off this topic haha
Y/n: Good idea, you don't need to see me cry
Mark: haha it's ok if you did
Y/n: So are you gonna quit your job?
Mark: I want to so badly, but I need the money
Y/n: I need to get a job
Mark: You should totally work with me
Y/n: With the shitty manager?
Mark: hahaha I'm kidding, never work there
Y/n: Good idea
Mark: So how are you and Josh doing?
Y/n: Really well, he's sweet
Mark: Oh good
Y/n: You don't sound very excited
Mark: I have my reasons haha
Y/n: haha I'm telling you, you would like Crystal!
Mark: I already agreed to hang out with her y/n
Y/n: I know, I just think you guys would hit it off
Mark: we'll find out
After a few hours me and Mark head back to his car.
Mark: Thanks for finally agreeing to hang out
Y/n: I'm glad I did
Mark: I'm glad you did too
Me and Mark smile at eachother and then he looks down
Mark: Can I ask you something?
Y/n: Sure
Mark: Did you love me?
Y/n: What?
Mark: Did you love me, when we were freshman
Y/n: Mark..
Mark: Just please answer
Y/n: I guess, but that was years ago
Mark: And you're telling me you have no feelings left for me?
Y/n: I like you Mark, but I only think of you as a friend
Mark: I bet if Josh didn't come along we would be together by now
Y/n: maybe, but Josh is here, and I love him
Mark: Can I just..
Mark leans in towards me and slowly brings his lips closer to mine, I don't know why..but I didn't stop him, maybe I have small feelings left for him? Marks lips finally touch mine and I kiss him back for a second but then I push him away.
Mark: I'm sorry..I just needed to see...
Y/n: Just please drive me home..
Mark drives me home, it was a silent ride the whole way. When I get home I go to my room and get comfortable. i contemplate whether I should call Josh right away or not. I felt like a terrible person. I needed to get it off my chest. So I called Josh.
Josh: Hey y/nn! I haven't heard from you all day! I miss you so damn much.
Y/n: I miss you too..
Josh: Why do you sound so sad?
Y/n: Could you come over? Please? I need to tell you something. You're probably gonna fucking hate me.
Josh: Baby there's nothing you could say to make me hate you, I'm on my way
Y/n: ok
Josh: I love you
Y/n: I love you so much
After about 7 minutes Josh gets to my house and climbs up through my window.
Josh: Hey whats up?
Josh goes to kiss me, but I feel too guilty so I put my head down.
Josh: What's wrong?
Josh lifts my head up
I lead Josh over to my bed and we sit.
Y/n: I hung out with Mark today
Josh: you did?
Y/n: Yes he wanted to hang out as friends which I finally agreed to.
Josh: ok..so what's wrong?
Y/n: He kissed me, I let him lean toward me, and I let him fucking kiss me. It was only for a second, but that one damn second is making me feel like the worst person ever.
Josh: You kissed him?...
I start to tear up
Y/n: I'm sorry Josh
Josh: I-I don't know what to say, I mean what do you say when you find out that your girlfriend kissed some other guy?
I sit there in silence
Josh: I gotta go
I reach and grab Josh's arm
Y/n: I'm sorry
Josh: I can't talk to you right now, I know you stopped him, I get that. It's just too upsetting right now.
Y/n: ok..
By now tears are running down my face like a waterfall, I watch Josh leave through my window, get in his car, and drive off.

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