Chapter Ten - Battle

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She shot out of the water, leaping off of the Tylosaur's back and landed on one of Orm's ships which had surfaced. Moments later Orm landed beside her.  She knew he had her back just as she had his. Together, they would end this. 

A storm raged around them, almost poetic of the battle that had been raging below the surface, now brought to the surface itself. The storm stirred the sea, complete with lightning and thunder. If it was this bad out here in the middle of the ocean, Aurelia could only imagine how bad it was on the surface. They needed to act fast and end this as soon as possible. 

Orvax himself emerged from the water, striding towards them on the back of the ship. 

"Father," Orm addressed him. "Surprised?"

"Yes.  You  stand with the half breed now?"

"Yes. I always should have. We stand together. And her name is Aurelia, and she is your Queen."

"She is no queen! That trident won't change who you are!" he spat.

"Maybe not," she admitted.

"Half breed bastard! Atlantis will never accept you - much less as its Queen."

"We'll see about that.  What's the saying?" Aurelia asked Orm.  

He knew exactly what she was referring to.  "Then by bloodshed, do the gods make known their will."

"Well then by bloodshed, do the gods make known their will."

Meanwhile, inside the royal prison, Mera used her hydrokinesis to disarm the guards standing before Vulko and Aria's cells. Orvax had kept them both heavily guarded. 

"Vulko, Aria, come on, they need our help."

"The future king and queen fighting together for the good of the kingdom. The people need to watch, to see. They must witness. And so must we."

The whole of the kingdom had stopped fighting and began to watch the showdown take place. 

Aurelia and Orm both attacked at once. Orvax pushed Orm back towards the giant spinning propellers of the ship - any further and they would slice his head off! But Orm stood strong, straining, even as the blades of the propellers skimmed the spikes on his helmet.

"Yield the throne," he ground out. 


A flash of white and silver caught everyone's attention.  Atlanna entered the battle then, all suited up herself, her entrance allowing Orm to escape his father's attack. 

Atlanna faced a shocked Orvax.   "You should have killed me. Now step away from my daughter!"

"TRAITOR!" Orvax swung at her. "You're all traitors!"

"Go Mom! Kick his ass!" Aurelia cheered before jumping in herself. "Stand back - I have an idea..." 

Teenage Aurelia was training on a beach with Aria and Vulko. She had mastered the art of spear-training with Aria, and now it was time to move to trident training with Vulko. Tridents, the weapons of Atlantean royalty since the beginning of Atlantis itself.

Vulko launched the trident towards her, she catching it between both palms before the tips stabbed right through her head. 

He spun his weapon around with ease, spinning it in a perfect circle, harnessing the water from the nearby sea spray, creating a protective field before and surrounding him.  

"How are you doing that?" Aurelia cried with awe. 

"I'll teach you once you've mastered the trident."

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