Epilogue - Of the Land and Sea

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"So wait, what happened?" Ophelia stared blinking back at her parents, adorable confusion written all over her face.

"Lia, shush, stop interrupting," Opal scolded her little sister.

"But I'm confused," Ophelia still blinked at her parents, making them share a glance and chuckle.

"If you stopped interrupting and just listened, you wouldn't be so confused," Opal told her.

"I bet you're confused too, Opal," said Odette, not looking up from the piece of tech she was fiddling with.

"Am not!"


Some years later, Orm and Aurelia were the proud parents of three daughters,  Princesses and future Queens of Atlantis. 

"It is a pretty wild story," Aurelia agreed with her youngest daughter. "Well, basically, to sum it all up, we stopped Atlantis from destroying the surface, brought the land and sea together-"

"And fell in love!"

"Yes, that too."

"Yay!!!" Ophelia cheered. 

"Lia, that's not even the most exciting part," sighed Opal, who had enjoyed the tales of adventure and battle more.

"Hey, remember,  if we hadn't fallen in love, you wouldn't be here today listening to our awesome epic story. Speaking of  which, it was a long story - time for bed."

"Aw," whined Opal.

"But Mom, Dad," cried Odette, who took after her father with long golden hair and bright blue eyes, as well as her love for technology. She looked up from the device she had been working on throughout her parents' whole adventure,  romance, superhero   story.

Ophelia had her mother's flaming red hair, and had those same blue eyes as her father as well, while Opal had dark hair and eyes, taking after her Grandpa Tom.   

"No 'buts'. Time for bed."  They tucked the girls in, and then their father sang them a lullaby. 

"Everything you are 

Is everything I need

You're everything to me

Baby, every single part

Is who you're meant to be

'Cause you were meant for me

And you're everything I need..."

The very lullaby his mother used to sing to him. It was Aurelia's firm opinion that a  true king does sing.

Vulko and Aria had remained at her side as always, as friends and advisors, and trainers and mentors for her children. 

Atlanna and Tom were just as in love as ever, and still lived up at the lighthouse. 

And, perhaps surprisingly, Arthur and Mera were together - they were so different, but, Aurelia realized, so were she and Orm, and they couldn't be happier, and she was happy for her friend and cousin. 

"Grandpa! Grandma!" The next day the royal family surfaced for a visit to Tom and Atlanna. The three princesses always loved these visits.

"Make a wish." Orm held out a coin to Ophelia and nodded to the fountain that sat at the side of the lighthouse.  "But don't tell anyone or it might not come true."

"Okay Daddy!" Ophelia held the coin in her hand, closed her eyes for a moment, and then tossed the coin into the water. "There, I made a wish!"

"Very good."

"Can you do the magic water thing?"

"Hydrokinesis? Of course-" Orm held out his hand and enchanted his youngest daughter by making figures of mermaids and turtles and fish appear in the water. "If you practice lots, you'll be able to do this one day too," he assured her.



"Dad, look!" Odette rushed over, holding the piece of tech she had been working on.  "I think I got it to work!"

"You did," Orm told her.  "Great job, I'm so proud of you."

From where she stood taking a break from trident training with her eldest daughter, Aurelia watched lovingly as her husband interacted with their youngest daughters. She recalled, many years ago now, how much she  thought Orm would make a wonderful husband to some lucky woman someday, and how she admired his want for a loving marriage and family, and whoever his future wife was she was one lucky woman.  Now, she was that woman, and she sure felt lucky indeed. 

And being Queen of Atlantis was better than she ever could have imagined or expected. It was full of surprises, and the title which she had once avoided like the plague was now one which she held proudly. 

Funny how these things worked out, and she wouldn't have it any other way. 

My father was a lighthouse keeper, my mother  a Queen. One of the land, the other of the sea. They were never meant to meet, and yet, somehow, one night, they did. Their love spanned the surface, the sea, and years, and it even saved the world. They made me what I am, a daughter of the land and a Queen of the seas, and now that will continue, with Atlantis on good terms with the surface world. Finally, at long last. 

I am the protector of the deep, the Queen of Atlantis. I am Aquawoman. And may the future of both the land and the sea be bright. 

(And there you have it, the end, of both this story and the trilogy as a whole. Congratulations, you made it! 

I hope you had as much fun reading as I did writing! :) The 'Aquaman' universe truly inspired me and I've had a great time delving deeper into it! I can't wait for more movies that feature Aquaman and Atlantis - and Orm of course! ;)

Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me, and, as always, I hope you enjoyed! Farewell! :))

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